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Sys req for max graphics?!

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment's Neverwinter Nights 2, the Mask of the Betrayer expansion pack, the Storm of Zehir expansion pack, and the Mysteries of Westgate adventure pack.
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Sys req for max graphics?!

Post by sort-vampyr »

Right now I'm truly amazed by the nwn2 graphics but my pc is'nt powerfull enogh to take the graphics to max. I'm going to by me a new pc in a month or so. My question is:

How powerfull do a pc have to be to turn the graphic to max (full antializing and all that neat stuff... Not just the resolution and texture) without ANY LAGGING AT ALL!

plz only sure answers! (preferrably from someone who has the pc that can take on nwn2 with max graphics!)
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Post by Siberys »

I'd say an Nvidia GeForce 8800 512Mb Card, 2 Gigs of Ram, and an Intel Core 2 Duo average processor would do it. I don't have the specifications for maximum graphics, but I am taking computer classes in college so I do know what I'm talking about.

But why would you spend more money just to get the graphics? Is the game not enjoyable enough with the plot and character interaction and stuff?
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Post by sort-vampyr »

Siberys wrote: But why would you spend more money just to get the graphics? Is the game not enjoyable enough with the plot and character interaction and stuff?
YEAH! You're on to something! I can tell you. I've allready played some nwn2... How on earth am i to keep away from a game like this! But you gatta admit that the great graphics makes the whole experience alot better! Besides, my pc is so slow that the terrain moves in little jumps, when you move around- And thats just anoying as hell-. And music and speech skips as crazy!... So bad I had to turn of the music- And thats just sad cause the music really adds something great to the game!-
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Post by Trith »

PNY 8800 GTX
X2 5200 cpu
2GB Adata Ram
Dual 7200 Seagate Sata 300gb drives in Raid 0
Windows Vista Ultimate 32

All settings on full, including water effects. 1920x1200 rez, Full AA.

No all. Looks great of course heh..
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