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Class Help

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Vhan Tiegros
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Class Help

Post by Vhan Tiegros »

I've played the game awhile, ad have version 1.4. I'm still a newbie though. lol. My character has gotten the classes of monk of shaolin master (sp), but he can't choose any other classes. : ( I've asked around with a lot of NPC's, but none are offering me any quests to be other classes. Not even the guys in my own guild. Can someone tell me why the NPC's won't gimmie my quest to be a paladin or battle mage? Thanks... I may have selected that "don't ask me again" option in a few guilds awhile back. When I was groping around, but I'm not sure. So yeah... Help please/thanks.
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Post by jparm3rd »


I think I can help you. Just to make sure I understand your problem with class advancement, let me back up and ask a few (probably stupid) questions so you can see the assumptions I am making and correct me if I assume incorrectly, cool?

1. You have the first tier class adept (probably chose this at character creation?)

2. You might have the second tier class, monk. This means that you have accomplished the Way of the Dragon/Tiger Quest and been to Ulm and found the Armor. Fargrove might be closed? Etc Etc.

3. Your character is probably between Level 8 and Level 12+, correct?

4. You can only have a total of 2 first tier classes, 2 second tier classes and 1 third tier class. All have requirements and path restrictions as well as specific quests. In addition, when you choose a first tier class, other options along that path close once you make your second tier class choice. Example. If you choose adept, you may follow that with either celestial, paladin or monk. You cannot, for example choose battlemage because that is a mage 2nd tier class option. Furthermore, once you choose your second tier class, say monk, both celestial and paladin are closed to you. Now if you had mage open to select as your second first tier class choice, then the second and possibly third tier class options within the mage path (battlemage being one) would be open to you. However, when you chose your third tier class, you would have to decide with you wish to choose the celestial or mage path, because you are only allowed 1 third tier class choice. Furthermore, it goes without saying that some classes support certain builds better than others because of the bonuses they impart certain skills, so if you want to be more of a warrior than a mage, you'd consider classes that give bonuses to weapons over bonuses to say magic. Also, bonuses do stack, so this is important if you want to take skills like Heavy Armor to Level 10, for example, because the skill points needed to advance them can run into several hundred thousand points.

So far, so good?

If so, the problem is that you have to join another guild in order to obtain a first tier class and this is typically accomplished in Fargrove. With Fargrove closed, I'm not sure you can join a guild in Arindale as a first tier because some (maybe all) of the guild initiation quests given in Fargrove need to be completed before you are given your first tier quest. This didn't have to be done for the class you selected at the start because that class was active, (not grayed out) so you start out with the learning bonuses associated with it, otherwise it would take forever to advance in your skills. The next first tier classes all require the initiation quest to be done before the class bonuses are active and before you can even obtain the second tier class quest. The class you start the game with skips the intiation quest if you go to their guild and should if, I remember correctly, immediately offer you the second tier class quest options. You must have done the Eastern class quests, because the option for the Monk second tier class isn't available until you do.

Let's explore whether or not you can do the guild initation quests outside Fargrove:

Celestial Guild Not needed because you already chose the Adept class.
Fighter's Guild The initiation question is to take a sword of striking to Arinade, so if you didn't join the Fighter's guild at the Arms of Argus and get the quest to take the sword to the weapon shop in Arindale, I have to say, No, you can't accomplish this quest until Fargrove reopens.
Mage Guild The initation quest is to take an item to the Mage in the swamp N-NE of Fargrove, so again, I'd so no, you can't accomplish this quest until Fargrove opens. Besides the only Mage guild you have available at this point in the game is in Fargrove, which is closed, so again you have to wait for Fargrove to open.
Thief's Guild Again, No, because the initiation quest definitely has to be done in Fargrove.

You already have selected the Eastern class, so that's closed and unless you are female, you can't select the Sisterhood. Even if you did, the initiation quest again is given in Fargrove, I believe.

So that pretty much settles it. I think it is safe to say unless someone knows otherwise for v 1.4 that you must undertake the initiation quests in Fargrove. I don't know if you can do them after Fargrove reopens, but you should be able to. You said that you may have refused to accept some, but they should still be available.

Your only options for a first class, however; since you are already a monk are fighter, mage or thief. That would then open up second tier classes. In other words, since you are already adept and chose monk, the paladin and celestial second tier class are closed to you. For more information on paths, use this link:

Hopefully, this info will be useful to you, Vhan.

Good luck and if you need more help, post back.

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Vhan Tiegros
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Post by Vhan Tiegros »

Thanks! You were a huge help and I appreciate all the info. Though some things still confuse me.

1. I am a monk, and a shaolin master. I can still be a battle mage, right?
2. About fargrove closing: I still get into the town, but no one is offering any quests. Also, when would it reopen?
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Post by jparm3rd »

Glad to help! To answer your additional questions:

Yes. You should still be able to be a Battlemage. First, you need to join the Mage Guild, perform the initation quest and then choose and perform the secondary tier quest for the Battlemage once the initiation quest is completed & the secondary tier classes are offered. This does require some back and forth to the Mage Guild in Fargrove, but shouldn't be any sweat for you given your Character Level and skill. Your character build would at the end of this trail be Adept-Monk-Shaolei Master-Mage-Battlemage. Does that sound like what you are trying to do?

Ok. If you can get into Fargrove, then the problem is that you need to go to the castle, kill Captain Okatta, and free Lord Davenmore from the prison. This should reset Fargrove back to normal. You should then be able to see Gillean in the Tavern and go over to the Mage Guild and carry on with your class advancement and whatever else you need to do in Fargrove. Be sure you have met Lord Graemare in Bolen fields before you kill Okatta and free Davenmore or you may have problems.

Hope this helps and if you have any further problems, post back!

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Post by Vhan Tiegros »

Not my case. I found out that if you select "No! Don't ask again!" That guild will offer you nothing. I did that to quite a few in the beginning. lol. Baaad move on my part. : p

However, thanks for your time and the effort. You've been a tremendous help.
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Post by kathycf »

If you have told guildmasters not to ask again, you are in a quandry. It seems to me that you might have to restart the game. One thing to note is that if you want to be a monk again, you will not have to complete the trial of elders and ulm before doing so.

When I play I always get my second tier class before I embark on the elders quest, and have never had a problem getting Eastern House classes (although I have only gone for samurai, monk and shugenja, there are a few more). It seems that getting the dragon egg (the house of the dragon will give you that quest in Fargrove) is sufficient to get into the guild and get classes.

To join the mage guild you will need to ask Aleister in Fargrove and he will ask you to deliver the staff of burning to Rianne the Wiccan in Devil's Marsh. She can handle class promotions for you if you are locked out of Fargrove due to getting a moonstone and/or embarking on the trial of elders.
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