This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment's Neverwinter Nights 2, the Mask of the Betrayer expansion pack, the Storm of Zehir expansion pack, and the Mysteries of Westgate adventure pack.
Hello, I got a problem with the silver word of gith. I can´t use anything of it´s abilities. I can´t even see them. Is this some kind of a bug or something?
Or should I do something first? Have I missed something?
I am not sure I understand the exact problem.
Place the sword on one of your quickslots, left-click on it and a menu appears. Its abilities appear when activating the "Use" icon. It works the same way other items or spell scrolls you place there do.
• "You cannot pass."..."I am a servant of the Secret Fire, Wielder of the Flame of Anor, You cannot pass. The dark fire will not avail you, Flame of Udun. Go Back to the Shadow! You cannot pass."
Gandalf the Grey
hey, when I looked at it again,I hoped I could use it.
But there´s no " Use " buttom. Crazy I couldn´t use it because of that.
:mischief: No wonder I coudn´t use it but I´m supposed to use it.
Well,I f I only could understand the problem..
Step one: you hold the sword -- not having it just in your inventory.
Step two: you place its icon in one of your quickslots, and then right-click your mouse. There should appear a menu with kind of orders. One of the them reads "Use".
If this does not work for you, I don't know what's wrong. Sorry.
• "You cannot pass."..."I am a servant of the Secret Fire, Wielder of the Flame of Anor, You cannot pass. The dark fire will not avail you, Flame of Udun. Go Back to the Shadow! You cannot pass."
Gandalf the Grey
I don´t know if this is the problem or if it is the answer, whatever, but first I kind of hand ond sword but later like now I got three silver sword of gith. '
When I saw that, I mean what, how can that be.
It might be why the "use" buttom or the abbilities ain´t there.
It´s probaly isen´t. :speech: :speech:
thx, it was a great answer. but sadly that dind´t helped.
But thanks indeed.