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Favorite disciplines?

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Favorite disciplines?

Post by Lukeatus »

What are your favorite disciplines in the game?
1.) Traumaturgy: Blood Magic
2.) Celerity
3.) Fortitude
4.) Dominate (Ventrue)
5.) Dementation
6.) Obfuscate
7.) Auspex
8.) Presence
9.) Protean
10.) Potence
11.) Animalism

I think every discipline has its uses... The 2 Grangrel disciplines are pretty weak though, and Potence's cool for most of the game but I like Auspex better not only because you can see all enemies through walls but also because ranged attack becomes really important for bosses and such enemies later in the game. Fortutide is just priceless, best passive discipline if you pump it up to 5.
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Post by Bat22 »

I think Celerity can be considered the best because time-stalling works wonders whether you're a range or close-up fighter. With another disciple like Auspex or Potence, it really turns the tables in your favor.

Thaumaturgy is one of the tops because of its "timeless" Shield protection; ranged attacks from Boil to Purge; and the blood-returning Strike and Salvo. All in all, it's a strong disciple against Kine, Kuei-Jin, and Kindred. I also like how it paints the town red.

I like Dementation/Dominate mostly for Hysteria/Trance, Vision of Death/Suicide, and Berserk/Possession. They allow you to remain stealthy without Obfuscate, and improve the odds against superior numbers in a snap. Dementation can also be amusing. On the down side, it's a bit disappointing that the Malkavians' speciality is simply Ken to the Ventrue's Ryu, or that Tremere don't have the Dominating dialogue.
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Post by mr_sir »

I don't really know which discipline is the best because I tend to just play as those clans I like and haven't used all disciplines. My favourites are:

Thaumaturgy - I love playing mage type characters in rpgs and as a result love playing the Tremere. The blood magic is just great, its powerful and is a lot of fun to use. I especially love trying to play games with Tremere where I do not use weapons at all, and Thaumaturgy is so good for being able to rely on to get the job done.

Animalism - I just enjoy using animalism, no real reason other than I find it a fun discipline to use.

Obfuscate - I am not a huge fan of sneaking as I just find it a lot of hassle to use, I much prefer just being able to go invisible :)

Dementation - Suicide is great for getting rid of reasonably easy to kill enemies without any effort at all.
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Post by Shairkon »


For me, the best Discipline would be Obfuscate. It's just too cool... there are a lot of missions where you need to sneak really well and watch around every corner being carreful not to make any noise OR to be invisible which would be a lot easier...not to mention, Stealth Kills! Gotta love'em... sneak behind enemies with Obfuscate 5 and execute each and every one of them with just a click of a mouse. :rolleyes:

Then we get to Dementation... Hysteria is just too good not to use when fighting two or more enemies...and combined with Berserk and a Vision of Death you could take 3 enemies and instantly disable them, while feeding on the 4'th and regaining blood/life. :D

Fortitude is THE Discipline for meleers. A level 5 with 5 bonus points to all Soak feats. it's just not to be messed with. Ultimate defense Discipline. :cool:
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Post by Lukeatus »


Animalism may be "fun" but a weak discipline. Nightship Ravens is far weaker than Dominates' trance or Dementation's Histeria, and it breaks the masquerade. Burrowing beetle is nearly useless and it doesn't compare to say, a Traumaturgy Purge or Dememantations' Mass Hallucionations. Level 3 Animalism is fine but it breaks the masquerade and Dementation and Dominate are better kills at level 3. The only good Animalism ability is at level 5, but I still much rather Mass suicide (dominate) or Boil Blood. Potence's really melee/brawl oriented. Fortitute is very effective for Melee AND ranged players, as you take nearly no damage with a good defense feat.
Obfuscate I agree is fun and useful but if you scale it I still preffer other disciplines but it's a really nice one to have.
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Post by mr_sir »

Lukeatus wrote:Animalism may be "fun" but a weak discipline.
That may be the case but the title of the thread is "Favourite Disciplines" not "Best Disciplines". I have never powergamed in my life, and so I don't really care if it is a weak discipline. I find it much more fun than stuff like Fortitude as it suits my style of play far better. Hence it is one of my favourite disciplines whereas Fortitude is one I have only wasted my time on once. I don't enjoy melee characters and I've never really missed having it with non-melee, discipline based characters.
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Post by Lukeatus »

Fun disciplines

Hey Mr. Sir, I meant no disrespect.
I agree with you. My favorite "fun" discipline might be ofuscate. It's really cool when you get level 4+ to run around undetected and it makes missions like the Museum and the Dane a LOT easier.

Like I said, Fortitude's awesome for combat, being Ranged or Melee, you'll take damage, but there's no "fun" factor. I think it's priceless though because it's the only way to defend against aggravated damage in the game (only other defense is with an artifact you may get in the game), and it defends very well against bullets, melee, etc. Dementation is also kind of fun and so is Traumaturgy.

I don't create just combat-oriented characters, I bump up my social stats too (mostly persuasion, buff perception [inspection/ranged] and just some intimidation). It's a shame that seduction's such an expensive stat, usually I preffer to save XP and have an "ugly" character, lol. I still seduce VV with seduction 1, so it's okay. It's just that it's a lot of XP just to get chicks at clubs and all.

But I focus on some disciplines for combat, so I guess I listed the disciplines I feel are most effective. I listed Dementation/Dominate high because not only it's an effective dispiclipe to kill/trance foes, but it also helps with conversations.

I guess the best clan to bump up social stats is the Tremere because all you need is Traumaturgy 5. Than you can use the rest of your XP on social stats.
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Post by Jhereg »

Lukeatus wrote:I guess the best clan to bump up social stats is the Tremere because all you need is Traumaturgy 5. Than you can use the rest of your XP on social stats.
Actually, I like to ramp Thaumaturgy and Dominate. Dominate early (to get suicide) and Thaumaturgy later on. Between the two, a ranged and melee weapon, a Tremere is a proper horror in combat - with anybody. You can spray harmful to lethal effects around like a water-hose. By the time you get blood-boil, for example, you have blood strike and salvo as well, as well as purge, plus suicide, trance, yadda, yadda, yadda.

All of the disciplines can be used together - once - until their effect is complete. That means blood strike, blood salvo, purge, and boil can all be used once each - but in rapid succession. Same with trance, suicide, mass suicide, and so forth. Get both to five, and a Tremere is a regular vampiric bug-zapper. And that's not all of them.

Fear us! We are Tremere! :)

Yes, that means that Thaumaturgy and Dominate are my faves.
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Post by Lukeatus »

Tremere, Gangrel disciplines - Spoiler

Yep, the Tremere disciplines are awesome.
I was able to up Traumaturgy to 5, Dominate to 3, and by the end of the game Auspex to 5. Kill everyone around you or get away from them without breaking a sweat. However I usually do not increase Dominate because with blood boil you can kill anyone (with greater blood cost) as with Dominate 3. And Dominate 1 is a really useful ability to feed or get around enemies unnoticed.
I just finished playing with a Gangrel and Protean later isn't that bad. Because some enemies don't suffer the knockback attack, so by the time I reached the Destroy the Sabbat mission I had Protean and Fortitude at level 5. (Beckett really increases your Protean from 4 to 5, worth 20 XP!!).
I realized that other than with the Flamethrower, my Gangrel character killed Ming Xiao the easiest with Fortitude 5, Protean 5 and Blood Buff. She doesn't defend that well against aggravated damage, even though she has a massive hit point total. Every discipline has its use!
Animalism can be fun but Nightship Ravens (level 1) not only breaks the masquerade, it also attracts other enemies to the victim of the Ravens, often revealing you location :mad: . It's frustating as on Society of Leopold and the Dane, instead of stealthing through it I activated my Fortitude and ran through everyone ignoring them. It was the easiest way. I don't like wasting time killing everyone, it's kind of pointless on many missions.
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