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The War of Dragons

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The War of Dragons

Post by PureDarkness »

i am going to make a story about a world full of anger and lust for nations there are three nations oblivion,lucredia and arcrazia in this you are going to help me make a story of 10 heroes i am lloking for 10 people what you will have to do is post like this

Name of hero:
dragons name: has to start as a baby dragon:
specalisation e.g mage warrior archer:
what region you are from:
and home town make it up :

well in this story its a story about heroes fighting for a all the nations in this you will have to start in your home town and explain why and how u became a hero

well the first 10 people to email me at

or messgae me for the job just filll in the aplication e.g name of hero and stuf then send it all to me and i will messgae you back if u can join thanks
The darkness will take your heart it is enevitable it will not sleep eat or stop.
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