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How do I steal items from people??

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How do I steal items from people??

Post by leayha001 »

I'm new to RPG games. I need to know how to steal items from houses, etc. without the guards coming or being noticed? I have waited until the icon of the "eye" is dark, so no one is watching, but I haven't had much luck in the start of the game.
Thank you
leayha001 :rolleyes:
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Post by AmpaSand »

highlight the object then use the steal expression
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Turkey Chaser
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Post by Turkey Chaser »

welcome to the forums leayha001 ;)

to get the steal expression you must upgrade your guile to level 3.

NOTE:you can only use it on items you find lying around/items on display in a shop.
you must leave the button down until the item is yours.

you can also steal items from all the cabinets you find.
just look at it and press Tab(pc)/A(xbox)

NOTE:you dont need guile/steal expression to steal from cabinets.
stealing is instant.

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Post by leayha001 »

Thank you

Thank you for the information to my question!
leayha001 :)
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Post by DesR85 »

leayha001 wrote:Hello,
I'm new to RPG games. I need to know how to steal items from houses, etc. without the guards coming or being noticed? I have waited until the icon of the "eye" is dark, so no one is watching, but I haven't had much luck in the start of the game.
Another way I found out is to quickly run upstairs and click on everything to steal the items before the owner come upstairs (they walk instead of run). Just need some speed to pull this off and I used it to search for some quest items. Just make sure no one is looking, as what the others had mentioned. Best time is when they're not in their houses.

P.S. Hello and welcome to the forums, leayha001. :)
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
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