I must however state that it doesn't look like the industry is ready for a game like this. I simply don't see anyone willing and (more importantly atm) able to make a game that offers A GREAT STORY/EXPERIENCE. It's simply not the focus these days.
Indeed, but I don't really think this is the issue of concern here
First of all, this would be, effectively, an unpaid, volunteer-made game. As RPG Guy stated, this is the vision we must hold, that of a creative act fuelled only by the desire to see a great game. Profits are not something that really come into play. If such a venture were to actually reap financial dividends, well that would be a pleasant side effect, but it should
never, ever be the focus or even a concern.
Secondly, this would be an independant production. Indie productions, by their nature, do not generally cater to a mainstream audience, whether they be gaming, film, music, or whatever.
Quite clearly, were this put into motion, we would be directing any kind of marketing to a small, niche community. Such a community would be somewhat older (roughly 20+), likely have a history in P&P, D&D gaming, and they would be the types of people who often bemoam the loss of real, story-based RPGs.
(Game Banshee, RPG Codex and NMA are full of them