You're walking along a red plastic bridge. It's raining meatballs and they're getting larger and larger as the storm gets worse. you slip on the tomato sauce that's been purposely spread across the bridge. Digital cameras with seventeen tiny arms and legs scurry over and tie you up with guitar strings. Fortunately for you, a giant fanged coffee mug leaps onto a passing cloud and snatches you up in its mighty jaws. You manage to lull it to sleep by making a series of beeps and clicks with your voice. Without a moment's hesitation, you boldly jump off the cloud and fall into a vat of cinnamon-flavored navy-blue paint. You manage to stay afloat by grabbing a nearby stuffed animal that looks like a bear version of the statue of liberty.
500,000 androids rise out of the liquid. They're wearing....wigs.....made.........of.....CHILI!!
To be continued.. (feel free to assist in the continuation.)