This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
I have the blight. I got from some animals Kuarva or something the ones with the big eggs on the walk to Balmora (I keep wanting to call it Balmoral!) I went and used the divine intervention and ended up at the divine intervention place I can buy potions it seems but not for blight and get told that for an offering I can get into the shrine and get healed for free. I can't get into the Royal Shrine? but there are alot of doors that lead to different places. Where do I go? to get rid of this disease?
Another question is. Went to the smugglers place (Cave) in Sayeed and accidently hit a slave. Managed to free the others but this one is a wild crazy one cos I accidently hit him! Is it safe to kill him? I can't free him it wont let me but at the same time I don't want a bounty or rep as a murderer. Is it best just to leave him there?
You could try finding your way to the shrine (it's not in a seperate cell but just behind some doors) but it's a little complex and will cost about 25 gold. I suggest going to ebonheart and doing some imperial cult quests so the altar is free. Also join the temple and do the pilgrimage of seven graces to get free healing there. Plus temple shrines are much easier to find in towns etc.
About the slave. Just leave him. He will calm down in a week or so and nothing bad will come of not freeing him.
Tribunal shrines, the gold faced triangular pillars which can be found in temples and many ancestral tombs will cure all diseases for a small fee (free after completing the seven graces pilgrimage). Not all shrines offer the cure (it's Almsivi Restoration, usually the bottom option), but the one on the top floor in the Balmora temple does. However, if you have the Atronach birth sign it might take a few tries for it to overcome your spell absorbtion.
[QUOTE=Darth Gavinius;1096098]Distrbution of games, is becoming a little like Democracy (all about money and control) - in the end choice is an illusion and you have to choose your lesser evil.
And everything is hidden in the fine print.[/QUOTE]
u could try using a "calm" spell on the guy and that'll let u talk to him then once hes freed he probably wont attack u cause his whatever u call it will be 100/100
the only thing thatll happen if u kill him is u might get the twin lamps ppl pist at u
also most of the almsivi temple ppl that sell potions will have cure blights, or u could see the enchanters at mage guildhalls to buy scrolls of it but not to sure which ones