This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Black Isle Studios' Icewind Dale and its Heart of Winter and Trials of the Luremaster expansions.
Every time I leave Upper Dorns Deep 1 through the cave entrance, or through the entrance to Upper dorns deep 2, every Mycanoid and Ettin enemy I dispatched has returned to life when I come back to Upper Dorns Deep 1. Is this normal? Not that they are difficult to overcome, but just curious.
Every day above ground is a good day.(Unless your an Illithid)
Upper Dorns is a prime spawning area. You shouldn't have every monster returning compared to your first time through the area, but you will generally get a half-dozen myconids and 2-3 ettins.
When your back is against the wall... the other guy is in a whole lotta trouble.
From what I can recall there where greater numbers involved. Don't know for sure if it where all the monsters, but I think so (could have been the route I took alot though). But that could have been the time up and down Kalduhar
From what I recall, there are 2 to 3 ettins in the area with the giant statue and myconids basically everywhere. It's the only place in IWD that respawns, as far as I know.
We should get a move on lest Boo bite us all in hard to reach places!
See battle Boo! Run, Boo, run!