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Major problem with BG on new computer

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Major problem with BG on new computer

Post by beckettss »

Ok, so: I recently bought a new computer, which is pretty new with a solid video card, etc (windows xp). The m-board is a V class "k9vgn-v", I began to install some programs on it, some of which being Icewind dale 2 and baldur's gate (patches included). Now when I restart or turn off my computer, it doesn't even get to the desktop; it just shows a black screen for like 30 minutes, Then if I mash on the correct keys, the desktop background shows up, but no programs or anything - just nothing at all.

Now I went into safe mode and restored the system to an earlier date, which worked fine. But when I re-installed IWD2 and Baldurs gate and restarted the comp, the same problem occurred, black screen and everything. I'm guessing that these games must have something to do with this, or perhaps are incompatible, but it could just be a terrible hard drive.

Anyone have any troubles remotely like mine?
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Post by Grombag »

I don't have any problems with installing BG and IWD2, so I would say the two are compatible. I do remember reading somewhere that BG has some issues with new drivers. It could be that.
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Post by mr_sir »

I'm going to move this to Tech Support but I will leave a redirect link in the BG forum as well.
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Post by DesR85 »

I probably suspect that it could either be the fault of both these games themselves (corrupt data, scratched disc, etc.) or, as what Grombag mentioned, it could be the driver issue. For the former, try it on another computer and see whether it works or not. As for the latter, do a clean install of your older drivers and see whether the problem still persist or not. Sorry that I can't be of much help as I've never encountered this in any game before. :(
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