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Infraction system

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Infraction system

Post by Magelord648 »

Recently for going over the top with my spam I received a minor infraction. Although I did not specifically agree I'm not going to press the matter because I'm not a rule breaker and I doubt I'll build up enough to get banned. On viewing my profile a minute ago and looking at the warning it said I had 0 points. In the thread regarding the infraction system a minor infraction is worth twenty points. I think maybe the system should be checked. We don't want crazy rule breakers running free.
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Post by Xandax »

The infraction system contains what is called a Warning. The warning is - as its called - just a warning about the forum rules, and thus awards 0 infractions point, and does not count up towards the infractions limits. However it enables moderators to perform a more uniform moderation and avoid/minimize double moderating, such as two different moderators acting upon the same issue.
It is distinguishable from an actual infraction both by wording in the PM and the "yellow" icon, instead of a "red" icon

Warnings are given to point to the forum rules, when the moderator in question does not believe the violation was either intentionally enough to warrant an actual infraction, or simply wanted to ... well ... warn that similar posting would violate forum rules, and thus could mean infractions.

Thus there is no problem with the infraction system in that regards, and it is as intended.

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Post by Magelord648 »

That makes sense.
[url=""]Uvirith Awakes[/url] - Please leave comments, all help is appreciated.
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