Okay, I'm near the end of Act 2 and I realized that I can't craft anything. I never really paid attention to exactly what I was leveling up on my NPCs. I just chose "Recommend" and didn't think twice. Now I see that almost all of them have weapon crafting as a high skill, however, I don't think any of them have the Craft Magical Weapons feat or Craft Wonderous Item Feat. I think I'm almost at level 16 or something and am I screwed? Can I reinput my skills and feats for a NPC? Do I have to wait until they level up again and choose that feat? Any advice on what I can do if I want to start crafting stuff?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Didn't Level Up To Craft
Crafting skills
You're screwed, I'm thinking, other than some crafty cheat to give yourself or a NPC those feats.
It's important that Elanee have those feats fairly early. Many of the weapon or item creations require spells that only she has (unless, of course, you're a druid). But you really can't create much of anything until she is level 9.
Some of the item creation or even weapon enchantment need a socerer/wizard spell, such as Melif's acid arrow. Sand doesn't have it for some odd reason, Ammon Jerro doesn't have any useful spell, so it's Qara. But using one of her feats for create magical item really hurts... she need lots of other feats.
You're screwed, I'm thinking, other than some crafty cheat to give yourself or a NPC those feats.
It's important that Elanee have those feats fairly early. Many of the weapon or item creations require spells that only she has (unless, of course, you're a druid). But you really can't create much of anything until she is level 9.
Some of the item creation or even weapon enchantment need a socerer/wizard spell, such as Melif's acid arrow. Sand doesn't have it for some odd reason, Ammon Jerro doesn't have any useful spell, so it's Qara. But using one of her feats for create magical item really hurts... she need lots of other feats.
What class(es) are you?
Easiest way would be to just give yourself the 2 feats to craft magical arms, armor, and items. You have another feat coming at lvl 18 if you want to pick it up, but you must be a spellcaster.
You do not need to be a spellcaster to craft weapons however. That is, take the raw metal and make unenchanted swords and armor. You must have the required feat to make the item magical.
Search the bioware forums, there is a really nice crafting guide you can dig up that will help a lot.
I just gave my PC caster the feats via the console command to make my life easier so I would't have to drag one or 2 NPC's to the crafting table in order to enchant something.
Easiest way would be to just give yourself the 2 feats to craft magical arms, armor, and items. You have another feat coming at lvl 18 if you want to pick it up, but you must be a spellcaster.
You do not need to be a spellcaster to craft weapons however. That is, take the raw metal and make unenchanted swords and armor. You must have the required feat to make the item magical.
Search the bioware forums, there is a really nice crafting guide you can dig up that will help a lot.
I just gave my PC caster the feats via the console command to make my life easier so I would't have to drag one or 2 NPC's to the crafting table in order to enchant something.