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Durlag's Tower bug

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast expansion pack.
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Durlag's Tower bug

Post by luz »

Ok, I made it to level 2 of Durlag's tower and everything was going fine until I picked up the red wardstone in the bedroom. When I did that, the secret door that leads back to the statue room opened and Durlag appeared... but he didn't talk to me. He didn't shapeshift, didn't attack, didn't do anything. Any attempts to talk to him and my group members did nothing when I hit the talk button. After that, I finally attacked and killed him for 400 exp. Then I picked up the orange wardstone, causing the door opposite the bedroom door to open... and open... and open. The door would not stop opening and closing continusously no matter what I did. Inside a small hall in that room was another Durlag and, like the first, he refused to do anything. Is this a bug? What fixes this?
EDIT: I have the 5 cd set, with TOSC installed, in case anyone wants to know.
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Post by Naffnuff »

Have you installed the latest patch?
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wise grimwald
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Post by wise grimwald »

In the absence of any other suggestions, I would surmise that you have a corrupt file somewhere. The options are, as per usual, go back to a previously saved game, if that doesn't work, try re-installing the game, and if that doesn't work patch it, not necessarily in that order. If you have a default game file, I have found that, for some reason unknown to me that deleting it sometimes helps.
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