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Anyone else hate Manaan??

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Post by Admo »

Well, what I hated about Manaan was indeed the slow walking under water, but also that even after completing the game twice, I had to walk the wrong way first, before finding anything. The city parts just look too much alike.

I had that too. Done it twice also, and just found it boring.

I disliked it. Just wasn't memorable in any way.

Maybe it was just because I always do it last, but I found Korriban took me the least amount of time to get through. I mean all you have to do is do a few pathetic tasks and hunt around 1 area, before the end part was done.

I think some of the worlds had to much straight combat and not enough role-playing basic stuff, but Manaan had no action and it was hardly an exciting place to wander round, especially with those annoying voices.

Tuskan raider voices were annoying as well! :p
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Post by Darth_Kendall »

dunno bout Tusken Raider voices i jst slaughtered them all!!!!!
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Post by Admo »

[QUOTE=Darth_Kendall]dunno bout Tusken Raider voices i jst slaughtered them all!!!!![/QUOTE]

You evil, evil man :p

Only good thing about the sand people's voices is HK-47's version of it!
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Post by techoluvr »

The only thing i disliked about manann was the underwater movement. I actually found the court things fun also(i alway dismiss my arbiter and defend myself just so he doesnt dis me)
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Post by Admo »

Admittedly, I preferred the underwater walk to its counterpart on the Leviathan. At least underwater you felt like a) it had some purpose and b) something to do while you're down there. The Leviathan one was the most pointless inclusion you've ever ever seen. May as well stuck a cutscene in because it was just walking, no enemies, no chance of dying. Stupid.
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Post by Tyraxor »

Manaan was the most boring planet in the game.
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Post by UrchSr »


At least the space walk was shorter. I disliked something about every world I visited, but Mannan was no more worse than any other. I don't like the alien voices either. Did you notice the "language" Sasha the stowaway was speaking? It was supposed to be jumbled Mandelore, but sounded just like Twlek(spelling)! And if she was speaking Mandelore, Hk and Canderous could have helped out!
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Post by Chimaera182 »

That was just sheer laziness on the part of the programmers. They only seemed to include just so many languages in the game, and "Mandalorian" seemed to be rather prevalent. They just got lazy and reused Mandalorian as if Twi'leks speak it, and other species, too.

Well, as to the topic at hand, I dunno if I hate Manaan. I have this problem where my game crashes every so often when I do a certain number of transitions from one part of a planet to the next, and that's probably the most annoying thing I found on Manaan: the fact that I had to run around and move to different parts of Ahto City every five minutes. The fact that I don't get to fight much things on Manaan doesn't bug me too much (even though I am a blood-thirsty little tyrant) either. The thing with the courts can get annoying, but not overly so. The underwater walk is annoyingly slow, but that's to be expected. I probably hate the Star Forge more than Manaan. Why? I dunno. It just seems like in my last few games, once I finished with the Unknown World, I don't feel like playing anymore and start a new game.

The thing with the Leviathan where you do the spacewalk is annoying, but it's supposed to lend a little bit of realism to the situation. After all, if a bunch of dangerous prisoners (including two Jedi) escaped and were loose on the ship, their first option is to perform a lockdown. And since the bridge would be the most sensitive spot on the ship, it's only logical that it's harder to get in there. Of course, that doesn't make the spacewalk any less annoying.
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Post by UrchSr »

Good point on the space walk lockdown part. I can see that. The fighters zipping by during the walk was cool And I liked the heavy glare from the star. I squinted at my TV screen!! It's a habit from driving at dawn, I guess. But as for the programmers being lazy... I feel that Xboxers got the short end of the stick. Why no Yavin on the Xbox? Where's the Saresh headband chin strap thingy? I'd rather wait for the whole game than get a budget beta any day of the week. I have to go "live" to get it. That means running a 70 ft cable from one end of the house to another. D'oh!!
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Post by DesR85 »

What I hate about Manaan is the fact that whenever you complete a mission, you always end up in court (except the part where you have to solve the Sunry murder quest). How those Manaan people talk also irritates me as well. Other than that, I'm pretty much okay with that planet.

The Star Forge level is what I hate the most, thanks to the constant flow of enemies harassing you. :mad:
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Post by GawainBS »

probo wrote: At rhakert rift when you get to chose poison the fish or destroying the machinery, its like its harder to destroy the machinery (not too hard though), because you gotto finish the riddle and all. And ofcourse it would be a very politicly correct thing to save the environment and all that. BUT, since im almost always playing a good character I want the republic to beat the sith, right? So I might consider the kolto (which is explained to be extremely important to the republic for them to win the war) MORE important than the echosystem of some random ONE world. Saving the environment on one planet isnt as important as trying to avoid the destruction or enslavement of the WHOLE GALAXY.. Oh, but you get 1500 exp if you destroy the machinery like its the right thing to do!

This is all propably due to some random politicly correct wannabe BS the developers put in the game, save the environment.. We are not talking global warming here, its another world, a fictional world with a VERY different situation at hand!
Well, from an ethical point of view, the decision of the developers is understandable. What you do, is going down the Utalitarian line, which sees people and "goodness" as numbers and makes a sum, to conclude what's the "most good." Many ethici see this as a rather evil thing, since you quantify people. The way I see it, this is what a Jedi does *not*.
There's a second such issue at Kashyyyk, with the riddles there. Letting one city perish to win the war, or prolong the war and save the city?
I think we have to view it how this things measure up to the Jedi Code.
While I don't agree with Utalitarians, I have to admit that at a certain point you are forced to make sacrifices, or you will lose everything.
Anyway, just trying to explain the developer's perceived thinking. :)
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Post by DarthMalevolent »

The slowness of travel in the water is REALLY annoying...

However, I've found a workaround. I'm sure you've noticed that if you cast "Burst of Speed" or any of it's variants before moving between sections where the game saves, you often get to keep it for a good long time... sometimes 10 - 15 minutes. Well - it saves when you exit airlock to the ocean floor. Just before you leave, cast whichever "Speed" power you have, and you'll have it the whole time you're on the ocean floor. Makes things move much faster.
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Post by Darth Valthri »

i definitely hate manaan, for two reasons.
  1. Underwater: using that stupid sonic device to kill sharks
  2. the setup of the city is too confusing. i often went one way (in the first actual part of the city) hoping to go to the section with the courts and such, and ended up in the section with the swoop track and the sith embassy :(
otherwise it's not too bad
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Post by DesR85 »

Darth Valthri wrote: 1. Underwater: using that stupid sonic device to kill sharks
I find that pretty lame too. Why not give that suit a harpoon gun or a laser blaster instead of some sonic blast? I'm sure that will be more logical than some blast that gives sharks a heart attack or something.
Darth Valthri wrote: 2. the setup of the city is too confusing. i often went one way (in the first actual part of the city) hoping to go to the section with the courts and such, and ended up in the section with the swoop track and the sith embassy :(
True. Also one of the reasons why I dislike Manaan. In addition, the layout of both sections are almost identical to each other, making it very easy to mistake one place for another. Not to mention that the corridors are so long that the game becomes a drag going from point A to point B. :(
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
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Post by Alcina »

Manaan is definitely my least favourite planet. Not just because of the slow underwater bit. Not just because of the amount of sheer running a round to no purpose you have to do.

The place is full of cut scenes, mostly of Republic and Sith people bitching at each other. While this does provide background colour, it gets pretty boring by the 20th time through the game.

But there is really very little to do beyond endless running around, following a linear plot, killing not-too challenging things over a large area. Only 2 (optional) puzzles on the whole level, almost nothing to do differently for Light and Dark, and only one proper side-quest ( the other 2 are really just 'Get the quest and you'll bump into the answer on the way through the linear main quest').

I find Dantooine almost as bad, for the same reasons.
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Post by supershadow »

Hmm well I thought it was a great planet... I loved the view... Also it is always fun to get into a fight with the Sith and the Force Persuade the Selkath guard that they started it.
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Post by eijsvogel2 »

i HATE manaan because.... 1 single word takes ages for them to say its so annoying!!:angry:

just so many blablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablabla for just hi ...
so annoying is manaan :mad:
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Post by Jazz.z »

True. Apart from all you said Manaan is really boring. I had the less exiting moments of life playing in this world. Since I couldn't care less about many of the side quest in Manaan, I just stopped playing KotOR for at least one month.
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Post by Darth_Ruin »

Funny moments

Yeah true, there are some moments where the action can be a little slow (and rather boring) but there are some funny moments.
For example i found stabbing the trapped man in the locker rather amusing. I also found killing the scientists who tried to kill me amusing as well (that'll show them who's boss)

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Post by d-mac »

I dislike Manaan because:
1) I went to court so many times on that planet I thought it was Law and Order: Special Fisheads Unit. And you can't even fight the cops or anything; everything you do has to be justified in court.
2) Stale, boring, and outright sterile architecture. I might sound dumb saying this, but man, it's so boring. And there's nothing else to look at but water.
3) The Selkath suck big time. They're racist and superstitious, and ignore the Siths' atrocities as long as they aren't affected by the war. They also talk like 80-year-old emphazemics chugging phlegm-coated hot dogs and trying to talk to you at the same time.
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