Newbie in need for some assistance.
- AmericanNinja
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Newbie in need for some assistance.
Hey, just got the game but it didnt come with a manual so Im fumbling a bit in the dark at times in this game. Im going for a rogue\thief character and need some help with basic stuff.
First off: How do I use backstab? I cant seem to find any button for the skill.. I have put one point in it and also carry a dagger, so I guess I meet the pre-requisites.
Is there any command to keep Virgil away, to just have him stand in one specific spot? Whenever I use the F5 command "back off"(?) he just keep following me.
To Lockpick, is there a specific skill button or do I just _use_ the lockpick set?
When pick pocketing, do I have to pay attention to the surrounding NPCs(can they spot me?) or just the NPC that Im stealing from?
Any other helpful hints\tips for a noob thief?
First off: How do I use backstab? I cant seem to find any button for the skill.. I have put one point in it and also carry a dagger, so I guess I meet the pre-requisites.
Is there any command to keep Virgil away, to just have him stand in one specific spot? Whenever I use the F5 command "back off"(?) he just keep following me.
To Lockpick, is there a specific skill button or do I just _use_ the lockpick set?
When pick pocketing, do I have to pay attention to the surrounding NPCs(can they spot me?) or just the NPC that Im stealing from?
Any other helpful hints\tips for a noob thief?
- Mr. Pastorius
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First of all, welcome to Gamebanshee.
Backstab is a passive skill, but to use is with highest efficiency, you must attack a target that doesn't consider you as a threat from the back.
Just initiate a dialogue with him and use the options "I'd like you to do something for me" -> "Wait here for a while".
You just need to use the lockpick set, the easiest way is to drag it in one of the hotkey slots.
Not as far as I know, but you should pay attention to pickpocket the target from the back, that will decrease your chances of getting caught.
As for other hints, I can't think of any more at the moment (probably because I just woke up
), so you might try to browse through some of the threads that you think might prove useful. 
Backstab is a passive skill, but to use is with highest efficiency, you must attack a target that doesn't consider you as a threat from the back.
Just initiate a dialogue with him and use the options "I'd like you to do something for me" -> "Wait here for a while".
You just need to use the lockpick set, the easiest way is to drag it in one of the hotkey slots.
Not as far as I know, but you should pay attention to pickpocket the target from the back, that will decrease your chances of getting caught.
As for other hints, I can't think of any more at the moment (probably because I just woke up
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- AmericanNinja
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- Mr. Pastorius
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As long as the NPC's reaction isnt 0 or lower (ie. hatred), nope.AmericanNinja wrote:Thanks for the quick reply![]()
So it is possible to backstab when not in Prowling mode? When Im standing behind a NPC, dagger ready in hand, but not in Prowling mode, am I considered a threat then?
Also, if I recall correctly, if you can make your enemy lose track of you during combat (this is only possible for a master prowler, though), you can also get an 'unaware' backstab damage bonus.
Oh, and, you're welcome.
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- AmericanNinja
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- AmericanNinja
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You seem like a guy who knows alot about this game so Ill just keep throwing some more q's at you if its ok
My thief is getting to be a wee bit evil and Im planning on killing Rizette(?) in Shrouded Hills for some easy dineros. I tried it and, very reasonable, I got the guards on my ass after a little while, so I reloaded. If I kill him and flee the town fast, will they still be looking for me if I return later in the game? Also, I thought it was strange that they automaticly knew that it was me..
What do you say?
My thief is getting to be a wee bit evil and Im planning on killing Rizette(?) in Shrouded Hills for some easy dineros. I tried it and, very reasonable, I got the guards on my ass after a little while, so I reloaded. If I kill him and flee the town fast, will they still be looking for me if I return later in the game? Also, I thought it was strange that they automaticly knew that it was me..
What do you say?
Yes, you do have to pay attention to others, especially guards. Guards evidently have X-Ray visionWhen pick pocketing, do I have to pay attention to the surrounding NPCs(can they spot me?) or just the NPC that Im stealing from?
Killing Ristezze is a bad idea IMHO, even after you've completed his Bessy Toon quest (Don't give him the camera whatever you do!). He's a useful shopkeeper, and is one of the few that will give you decent money for things like geodes. You shouldn't really need too much money early in the game, and you can usually get by until you get to Tarant.
Once you get to Tarant you can make easy money, get your electrical skill up to the point were you can make Flow spectrometers (level 3, 111 Int needed) and Shocking Staffs (level 4, 13 Int needed), you can buy the components from the general store and Technical traders (like Riztezze) and sell them to scrap dealers (the Junk dealer in Tarrant, or Riztezze again) for a nice profit.
There are other tech items you can make that you can profit from as well, in fact most of them.
Two very useful spells to get early on are Agility of Fire and Strength of Earth.
Prowling, as I suspect you may have already sussed is rather difficult when you have followers, not only are they terrible at it, they also have the annoying habit of charging in and blowing your cover, and also depriving you of experience points! I've found followers a right pain in the derriere in Arcanum, necessary as walking backpacks, but constantly getting in the way, thank god for F5!
Backstab mostly only works if you're successfully prowling, and you have to be an expert in it (prowling) to have much chance of succeeding.
Spoiler highlight to read:
Once you get to Tarrant, visit the Panaari Temole, there's a very useful amulet in the chest, but you'll have to kill the priest to get it, and he can e tough if you let him get a spell off.
Finally be aware that a lot of follwers will get annoyed and will trun against you and attack you if you attack 'innocents'. Virgil and Sof Mead-Mug won't care who you attack, but Magnus, Jayna and several others will.
[QUOTE=Darth Gavinius;1096098]Distrbution of games, is becoming a little like Democracy (all about money and control) - in the end choice is an illusion and you have to choose your lesser evil.
And everything is hidden in the fine print.[/QUOTE]
And everything is hidden in the fine print.[/QUOTE]
- AmericanNinja
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Thanks a bunch for helpful answers! And by answering my questions, you promted some new ones
So I HAVE to be Prowling to land a backstab? and; When successfully backstabbing a target, do any special text appear, or do I just notice the severe reduction in the opponents life bar? (this backstab business is really puzzling
I never had much love for followers in these kinda games(Im more into lone wolf style of gaming instead of rolling as a Band of Merry Men), so I really want to get rid of Virgil, but it seems like a bad idea because he can heal and me and carry stuff too, and the game probably gets very hard to beat without any assistance..
When Virgil is told to "back off", will he heal me when Im fighting? Also, concerning Virgil, as he levels up his healing spells getting better yeah?
So I HAVE to be Prowling to land a backstab? and; When successfully backstabbing a target, do any special text appear, or do I just notice the severe reduction in the opponents life bar? (this backstab business is really puzzling
I never had much love for followers in these kinda games(Im more into lone wolf style of gaming instead of rolling as a Band of Merry Men), so I really want to get rid of Virgil, but it seems like a bad idea because he can heal and me and carry stuff too, and the game probably gets very hard to beat without any assistance..
When Virgil is told to "back off", will he heal me when Im fighting? Also, concerning Virgil, as he levels up his healing spells getting better yeah?
I'm not too sure about this, I got very frustrated when I tried going that rout (because of the follower problem) and didn't pursue it very far. When I did succeed I think (it's a while ago so I could be mis-remembering) it was mostly the excessive damage that I noticed. However by the time I got to the point where I was having success prowling I was using a weapon that demolished anything I fought, back-stab or no.So I HAVE to be Prowling to land a backstab? and; When successfully backstabbing a target, do any special text appear, or do I just notice the severe reduction in the opponents life bar? (this backstab business is really puzzling )
Virgil can only be relied on to heal you if you tell him to back off. Otherwise he just flails away futilely and frequently doesn't even heal himself properly. Keeping him alive through the early going after first leaving Shrouded Hills can be a chore, especilly if you head towards Dernholm (as you should do).
However, if your main character becomes too technical (about 15 points or more) then he will become more and more reluctant to try to heal you, and eventually will only try if you ask him to, not very useful in combat. His healing ability doesn't get much better after about 5th/6th level as I recall,a nd although he does get other spells, like force shield, he hardly ever uses them. Most frustrating is when you know he has resurrection, but there's no way to get him to cast it, and he will never cast it of his own volition.
All in all I'm not a fan of Whining Virgil, I much prefer Sog Mead Mug. Sog can be found in the tavern, but you need 9 points in persuasion to get him to join. Nice strong dude who can carry a lot, deosn't bitch, and will happily bash away at locked chests and doors no matter how much it hurts.
To bash a door or chest press R to enter combat mode, then hold down Alt and target the chest/door. Your followers will wade in as well, so either make sure they aren't carrying any worthwhile weapons, or F5 before attacking yourself. If you want Sog to bash it, give him an iron pipe or two plus maybe some railroad spikes, and having pressed F5 right click on Sog's icon, and selet attack, then select the door or chest.
[QUOTE=Darth Gavinius;1096098]Distrbution of games, is becoming a little like Democracy (all about money and control) - in the end choice is an illusion and you have to choose your lesser evil.
And everything is hidden in the fine print.[/QUOTE]
And everything is hidden in the fine print.[/QUOTE]
- Mr. Pastorius
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I've finished the game once as a thief with backstab and prowling mastery,(among other skills) but I can't recall that prowling increased my chances of dealing extra damage with backstab. I just placed myself behind the target, attacked and, depending on the target's state of awareness, dealt 60-90 damage with the pyro axe.galraen wrote:I'm not too sure about this, I got very frustrated when I tried going that rout (because of the follower problem) and didn't pursue it very far. When I did succeed I think (it's a while ago so I could be mis-remembering) it was mostly the excessive damage that I noticed. However by the time I got to the point where I was having success prowling I was using a weapon that demolished anything I fought, back-stab or no.
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Dont Kill Riztezze
He is a very useful NPC and trader especially if you are a thief hehe. Picking his pockets for his key and then every two weeks or so he will have another two thousand dollars in his trunk and if you steal his most expensive stuff you can just resell it to him for the money he holds instead of putting it in a trunk - easy money mate was set for almost the rest of the game with a few rests (im a patient fellow)
Good luck - with a thief you'll need it lol
He is a very useful NPC and trader especially if you are a thief hehe. Picking his pockets for his key and then every two weeks or so he will have another two thousand dollars in his trunk and if you steal his most expensive stuff you can just resell it to him for the money he holds instead of putting it in a trunk - easy money mate was set for almost the rest of the game with a few rests (im a patient fellow)
Good luck - with a thief you'll need it lol
That's about the sort of damage I'm used to getting with the Pyro axe with 20 strength. Do you get any messages that the back-stab did extra damage?Mr. Pastorius wrote:I've finished the game once as a thief with backstab and prowling mastery,(among other skills) but I can't recall that prowling increased my chances of dealing extra damage with backstab. I just placed myself behind the target, attacked and, depending on the target's state of awareness, dealt 60-90 damage with the pyro axe.
[QUOTE=Darth Gavinius;1096098]Distrbution of games, is becoming a little like Democracy (all about money and control) - in the end choice is an illusion and you have to choose your lesser evil.
And everything is hidden in the fine print.[/QUOTE]
And everything is hidden in the fine print.[/QUOTE]
- AmericanNinja
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Aha, so you can right click the followers icon, did not know that.
Getting Sog Mead seems like a good idea, he would fit my scheme better. Only problem then is that Ill be missing Virgils healing abilities, but seeing as they're not all that, Ill rather go for Sog.
I tried pick pocketing Riztezze but failed everytime, guess Ill just have to put more points in it. Good to know that his loot respawns
Thanks again for answers!
Getting Sog Mead seems like a good idea, he would fit my scheme better. Only problem then is that Ill be missing Virgils healing abilities, but seeing as they're not all that, Ill rather go for Sog.
I tried pick pocketing Riztezze but failed everytime, guess Ill just have to put more points in it. Good to know that his loot respawns
Thanks again for answers!
- Mr. Pastorius
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Nope, nothing, not even a 'critical hit' if I recall correctly. Just 30-100% more damage. By the way, my character's strength was 9.galraen wrote:That's about the sort of damage I'm used to getting with the Pyro axe with 20 strength. Do you get any messages that the back-stab did extra damage?
Anyway, I just might replay the game as an evil thief again, it can be really fun at times. spoiler -
When I just think of Caladon guards chasing me through the entire city after I assassinated the king... Ah, memories.
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- AmericanNinja
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Reading around on Gamefaqs, it seems as long as you have the backstab skill you B\S whenever your behind the opponent, even in the midst of battle. It can be wrong ofcourse, but it sounds right, at least to a D&D freak like me.
Ive been looking over the equipment available in Arcanum and I find it hard to figure out whats appropriate wear for a thief.. Of course the usual leather armor works fine, but later in the game, what should armor should I aim for?
Oh, one more thing
What is the difference between the Total Armor and Total defense values and what is Damage resistance really?
Im pestering you with questions, I know, but I hate playing a game without the manual and only to find out after finishing it that I couldve had a twice as good character and had twice as much fun
Ive been looking over the equipment available in Arcanum and I find it hard to figure out whats appropriate wear for a thief.. Of course the usual leather armor works fine, but later in the game, what should armor should I aim for?
Oh, one more thing
Im pestering you with questions, I know, but I hate playing a game without the manual and only to find out after finishing it that I couldve had a twice as good character and had twice as much fun
For a thief the first thing you should look at is the armours NP (Noise rating) the hiigher it is the harder it is to prowl successfully. Something like oiled thieves leather or chain is fine through the middle of the game.
Damage resistance is just what it says, how resistant you are to damage, and can be more important than the AC rating. Utilising armour that has no NP but decent DR along with items that boost DR and Force Shield can get your DR up to as high as 95%, i.e you only take 5 hp of damage for every 100 inflicted.
How effective equipment is is very dependent on your technology/magic rating. If you're heavily techno then all that nice magic gear will do you no good whatsoever. Conversely, if your highly magical tech gear is virtually useless. You can get something out of both if you're evenly balanced, but won't get the full benefit of anything. IMO, for the easiest game go full tilt at magic, and if you're evil then the gypsy ladies often sell a helm that make getting ultra magical (and evil) dead easy. Being hi-tech is more difficult, but more financially rewarding, and IMO makes for a more interesting game.
Damage resistance is just what it says, how resistant you are to damage, and can be more important than the AC rating. Utilising armour that has no NP but decent DR along with items that boost DR and Force Shield can get your DR up to as high as 95%, i.e you only take 5 hp of damage for every 100 inflicted.
How effective equipment is is very dependent on your technology/magic rating. If you're heavily techno then all that nice magic gear will do you no good whatsoever. Conversely, if your highly magical tech gear is virtually useless. You can get something out of both if you're evenly balanced, but won't get the full benefit of anything. IMO, for the easiest game go full tilt at magic, and if you're evil then the gypsy ladies often sell a helm that make getting ultra magical (and evil) dead easy. Being hi-tech is more difficult, but more financially rewarding, and IMO makes for a more interesting game.
[QUOTE=Darth Gavinius;1096098]Distrbution of games, is becoming a little like Democracy (all about money and control) - in the end choice is an illusion and you have to choose your lesser evil.
And everything is hidden in the fine print.[/QUOTE]
And everything is hidden in the fine print.[/QUOTE]
- Mr. Pastorius
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If I recall correctly, being neutral also gives you a minor critical failure chance, some 2-5% depending on item type (weapons give a highest penalty).GawainBS wrote:The only drawback of wearing Technological items while being too Magic, is that you suffer a crit failure chance, which is indicated for each item equipped.
Being neutral allows the full benefit of Technology.
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- Mr. Pastorius
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Try wielding a rifle of some sort, I think the penalty increases with weapons and more complex technological items. Although I might be wrong.GawainBS wrote:My slightly magical character suffers no penalty from the Chain gloves. First item I noticed where Battle Gloves or some such, with a chance of 5% for a very magical character.
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