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An Ages of Skill potion that isn't on the list!

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An Ages of Skill potion that isn't on the list!

Post by Caboose »

Just as the title says.
I found an Ages of Skill potion at Grey House in a cabinet. And I don't see it on the list.

And also 2 questions:
1. The Xbox and PC version of Fable: TLC should be the same in where to find potions and stuff right?
2. If there are any more potions that aren't listed I would like to know. I want to find and have EVERYTHING (yeah I'm bored as hell). I will be looking through every map and opening every chest myself but it would be easier if I know where to look. And I might also find more stuff that isn't listed (but I doubt that).

Greetings ~~

PS: I hope I spelled everything correct xD
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