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The Bourne Identity AD

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The Bourne Identity AD

Post by jeffmartis »

I don't know if it is just me or what but I am being haunted by The Bourne Identity Ad. Usually when an add opens I close it, which is when I first come to the forum. For some reason this ad is dogging me and keeps opening every 30 seconds or so. Anyone else having the same problem. At least its not as bad as that sunkist add that spills orange soda down the screen and follows you around so you can't read the text. That one really drives me crazy and I don't know hoe to close it.
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Post by Greg. »

Is this a glitch in Oblivion? GREATEST GLITCH EVER!!!

If not, it probably goes in the "GameBanshee Discussion" forum...
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Post by fable »

It does, indeed. Moving.
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