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Influence Rewards

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Influence Rewards

Post by nukechaos »

I've looked around a bit and I cant find a list influence rewards anywhere here. If someone knows where I can find one please tell me. I'm trying to find something that will tell me how many times I have to get influence with a character to get certain things from them and what i get from them when I do.
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Post by DesR85 »

I advise you to search [url=""]GameFAQs[/url] for that. I do recall ever coming across that list the last time I did a search there. :)
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Post by Alcina »

There isn't a hard and fast rule for how many times you have to gain influence. For most characters it's 5 to 6 times. For Atton and, especially, Kreia, it's quite a lot more.

What you get, as I recall, is as follows: (spoiler protected)

Atton, Mira, Handmaiden, Disciple, Bao-Dur: The chance to turn them into Jedi. No other reward
Visas: She teaches you the Force power Force sight, which enables you to see enemies through walls and closed doors, an increase in your maximum Force points, and 500XP
HK-47: He will give you tips on how to kill Jedi, 1000XP, a +1 bonus to all your reflex saves, and a permanent +1 to your base CON
Hanharr: 4000XP total (in 3 lots), a permanent +1 to your base CON,a permanent +1 to your base WIS and Hanharr gains +2 STR.
GOTO: some back story and 1500XP
Kriea: backstory and a total of (I think) 2000XP
T3: lets you try to repair him. To make use of this INF, you need a fairly high Repair and Computer skill, as well as the INF. You can upgrade him up to 6 times. These repairs, in total, give him increses of 2 DEX, 3 CON, 1 INT, give you a permanent increse of +1 to WIS, and give quite a bit of XP (may be 3000 in total, I'd have to check)
Mandalore: as far as I can make out, nothing at all. Ther are rumours you can get some backstory and discover something about his identity, but I know of no-one who's managed it.
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Post by Jedi Revan »

For T3, you can also learn to meditate with him(I forget what it does) and get a holo-message out of him and what he is doing travelling with you.

Mandlore, yes, you learn his true identity after helping him reunite his clan

HK-47, he can mimic voices of his former masters at a point.

Those are a few more
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Post by Sith Dog »

Jedi Revan wrote:For T3, you can also learn to meditate with him(I forget what it does) and get a holo-message out of him and what he is doing travelling with you.

Mandlore, yes, you learn his true identity after helping him reunite his clan

HK-47, he can mimic voices of his former masters at a point.

Those are a few more
What! I didn't know you could do that with T3.
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Jedi Revan
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Post by Jedi Revan »

Sith Dog wrote:What! I didn't know you could do that with T3.
Yeah, you get meditating when you finish all the computer and repairs, the holo-message comes one of the times you work on his behavior core
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Post by Sith Dog »

Jedi Revan wrote:Yeah, you get meditating when you finish all the computer and repairs, the holo-message comes one of the times you work on his behavior core
Yeah, I am almost done doing this stuff with him. I am using him as a main party member that I try to have around in every situation I can.
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Post by Arcesious »

Influence cheats?

Is there any way to cheat your influence with characters? i've been playing lighrside, which made me lose some influence with guys like mandalore, kreia, HK-47...
so how can i change how much influence i have with them?
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Post by Kleanthes »

There are surely many ways to do so, but one rather simple way is the savegame editor which you can download from [url=""]here[/url]. There you can simply set the influence for every party member.
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Post by Caranthe »

I never had a high ernough Repair/ Computer skill to 'fix' T3, so I wouldn't know about the meditation.. However, you can meditate with the Disciple (to regenerate FP faster).
I thinks that's influence-based as well.

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Post by Kleanthes »

Caranthe wrote:I never had a high ernough Repair/ Computer skill to 'fix' T3, so I wouldn't know about the meditation..
I even got enough repair/computer with my weapon master. In fact, you don't need that much, as you can get some items that give a total boost of +15 or more, so that computer/repair 5 is enough :-)
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Post by Caranthe »

Kleanthes wrote:I even got enough repair/computer with my weapon master. In fact, you don't need that much, as you can get some items that give a total boost of +15 or more, so that computer/repair 5 is enough :-)
Yeah, but I only ever had 1 or 2. And even then only because of Kreia asking me to develop my weakest skills.
I found it far more important to keep Persuasion maxed, and not having a very high Int (Dex/Cha FTW!) didn't leave much room for anything else.. An issue which is even more present in KotOR I, I feel.

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Post by Kleanthes »

In Kotor 1 I was not very interessted to get a high repair skill, as the only thing you could use it for was HK-47 (iirc).
In Kotor II, I got Intelligence 14, so that I had 3 points to spend - most of these points I saved (except the point that I put in Persuasion, of course) until I bought the "Class Skill: Repair" and "Class Skill: Computer" feats (the first one after being asked by Kreia to improve my Computer-Skill).
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Post by Darkblade89 »

Arcesious wrote:Is there any way to cheat your influence with characters? i've been playing lighrside, which made me lose some influence with guys like mandalore, kreia, HK-47...
so how can i change how much influence i have with them?
Pick your words more carefully. You can easily have 100 influence with Kreia and still be LS or DS. Think about her train of thought... she's manipulative, but not really brutal, or too kind. More often than not, you have to give up LS or DS points (and not gain any at all) to keep Kreia's influence up, but if you're already at 100%, it's not an issue.

Though I have yet to get much influence out of Mandalore or HK.

Also, about the part where Kreia asks you to increase your weakest skill - keep in mind, you can fool her by equipping an item that boosts that skill. On this playthrough, my weakest skilll was Stealth. So I just stopped talking to her for a sec, slapped on a Defel Mimicker, a Stealth Field Enhancer, and then listened to her praise me about how much I've learned. :D .

The T3 mediatation is confusing... I've gotten it twice now, and it seems that by meditating with T3, T3 gains back some vitality points (the dialogue choices imply that you heal him), while you gain force points back. You can only do it when there are no hostiles around, and when T3 is damaged. I have actually yet to try it though, both times I finally got the ability just before the Endgame, and so I never had the chance to use T3 in my party.

Edit: Oh also, if you look around a bit - I think kotorfiles has it - there is a mod for Bao-Dur's remote that enables you to ask the Remote about how much influence you have over your party members, on a scale of 1-100. It's quite useful, all you do is ask the remote to stop flying around on the ship, and then you can ask him.
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