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We Need A Good Female Malkavian Sword Fighting Video

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Judaeus Apella
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We Need A Good Female Malkavian Sword Fighting Video

Post by Judaeus Apella »

People I've talked to about this game say they've seen videos of it and think the combat in this game sucks. They think its just another nothing special RPG, with spells and such. Wow are they wrong. I try to tell them that its a great melee game as well and they think I'm full of sh*t! I also tried telling a lover of stealth games that he'd love this game and he didn't beleive me! :mad:

I can't seem to convince anyone who likes melee, fighting, or stealth games that this is a great game, so I thought maybe someone in the community could show them!

Can someone PLEASE make a movie of a Fem Malkavian sword fighting with her Tal'mahe'ra Blade and her sexy heavy armor that says, "XXXPLOIT ME" on the back? You know, using all her melee moves (rolling, leaping, combinations, etc), Obfuscate stacking, stealth killing, and of course mouse spinning for that extra touch of fancy moves and multiple target strikes, like the way a pro player fights. :D I wanna see someone show off the Stealth Fem Malkvian so all those idiots can eat their words. :D

I think the problem is that everyone keeps posting these gay movies up on YouTube of characters doing little else but dancing, killing random NPCs, running around killing padestrians and homeless, or just using spells to fight. Where's the spectacular sword fights that show off the coolest stealth character in the game! No wonder theres a list of different genre players who all think this game sucks.

I would do this if I had the resources and the knowledge, but I don't. :( This is merely a request. Anyone know someone who can do this? If these people saw a video like this this, and the sword fighting was well choreographed, they'd rush out and get this game.

If someone does this... you gotta use the mission impossible combat song! (or something like that maybe?) That goes perfectly with modern melee fights.

Also, some good fight scenes would probably be the battles against the Blade and Claw brothers, the ninjas who jump out of the walls in the Temple, the Sheriff and Zygaena, the zombies under the Giovanni mansion, the Tong’s assault on Zhao’s Imports, the assault on Glaze, ...and a room full of doughnut eaters! :D
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Post by DesR85 »

Why don't you just demo the game to them instead? Much more simpler that way. :)
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
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Judaeus Apella
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Post by Judaeus Apella »

I already said they don't listen to me. They don't want to try it. LOL They think it sucks, they won't even give it a chance. They think I'm just crazy.

I think this is one of those monumental games that somehow slipped under the radar. If it got some good publicity on YouTube with a video that got high ratings and was good enough to get a high number of views, the game would gain a much larger fan base. Then who knows what would happen.

This is the age of technology where a silly video of someone doing a stupid trick can make them famous around the world. A single great video is all it takes these days to make something world famous. If someone was able to pull off a great video and it went well and we're really lucky, then someone with money might think "hmmm... maybe we should make a sequel..."

Don't say it, I know its far fetched. I know its wishful thinking, but it could happen. Hey, I see what you're typing! I said don't say it! Stop that! :mad:

I DID see a video I thought was half decent today though. ([url=""]here[/url])

Great song and it had some great scenes like her leaning against the wall, shooting that guy with the desert eagle, jumping down from the burning rubble, walking to the beat of the music with her nekid butt, and the dancing in her cowgirl suit. But it has too much random unentertaining crap in it like all that stuff with the prince, and all the battle scenes were crap. It needs some intense sword battle scenes. I would love to see her spin with her sword, land close facing the camera, then have someone somehow manipulate the video so she licks the blood from her sword while her enemy drops dead behind her. That would really fit her character.
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