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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Cazza Fable
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Post by Cazza Fable »

Please help me!
I have only recently bought Morrowind GOTY edition so i am only level 1. :s
How can I get up my levels without having to pay for the training and without dying?
Also, is the only way that I can regain my health is to drink a potion or use a spell?
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Post by Aylied_King »

Hello, a few questions, are you on pc or xbox?,If your on xbox there are glitches to bring up your skills, DON,t use any, at ALL. but you can create spells witch will lower or raise the selected skill for a period of time. The lower the skill the less amount of money needed to be paid. Other then that for xbox no other ways. If your on pc then you can set the skill at the level requested by you, i generally never use it but if you feel the need to do it. Umm hope this helped


Next question you asked : is there a way to gain health without useing pots or spells, yes there is but it can be a expensive one to get. Your able to create objects like rings which have magical ability's. You can Make a exquisite ring which can gain 3 health constant affect, which will help but getting constant affect item's can cost a good amount of money, so if you do it prepare to loose a good amount of money, but theres cheats to give you any amount you want.
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Post by Lemmus »

The best (role-playing) way to heal is to sleep. Make sure that you sleep in an unowned bed, as sleeping in someone else's bed is a crime.

As for raising levels, there are two ways, the role-playing way and the cheap way. Remember that in order for you main level to go up, you neen to gain 10 skill point in your class skills (primary & secondary). Gaining levels in other skills makes you better at that action, and raises the possible stat gain on level, but does not raise your level. Also remember that gaining skill level after receiving the level up message will only increase your stat gain, points don't carry over, so to maximise your final character level you'll want to make sure that you sleep whenever you have the chance to level.

The role-playing way is to play the game straight and take level up as you find them. This is very slow & tactical. Think easy fights, running away when injured, relying on game transport (boats, mage teleports, and the giant bugs) rather than running around the countryside, etc. If you want some (relatively) easy kills, go just outside town to fin a couple of mudcrabs, and go through the bandit cave next to the strider site. The bandits you'll probably have to save and redo a couple of times, there's a mage in there. You'll be much better off in the long run if you level this way.

If you just want to gain levels, then choose a bunch of non-combat, easy to raise skills as your class skills. Examples are Alchemy, magic skills, lockpicking, running, jumping, sneaking, etc. Then just practice those skills constantly. Run everywhere. Jump up and down. Heal yourself. Cast lock on a door, pick it, repeat. You can easily gain 10 or 20 levels in an hour of grinding. However, aside from being cheap, this will really hurt you in the game. Although Morrowind doesn't use levelled monsters as Oblivion does, it does use your level to adjust certain content, such as the appearance and frequency of certain high-level, roaming monsters in the wild. Pushing your level up using non-combat skills will mean that you'll be unable to compete.
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dragon wench
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Post by dragon wench »

You may also find some of the information in this thread helpful.
A number of the questions are fairly specific to the thread starter, but it still contains lots of general information.

These threads will probably also be useful (though be aware they may contain minor spoilers): ... 24679.html ... 29225.html
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.......All those moments ... will be lost ... in time ... like tears in rain.
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