Wood Elf, evil
20 Str
19 Dex (just for Greater 2 Weapon Fighting)
8 Con
9 Int (Good hiding & Use Magic Device. Leftovers to setting traps and Listen/Spot)
8 Wisdom
8 Charisma
My Devastating Assassin has a slightly lower AC than the Devastating Rogue, the worst magic resistance (since it doesn't compensate with Spellcraft levels), slightly less BAB since it has only one level of fighter, but it gets more Sneak Attack 1d6's in return.
One function of the Fighter level is actually to make sure I gain sneak attack d6's at even levels, so I can take a free feat and slightly improved BAB at no cost. The only function of the Assassin levels is to obtain Hide in Plain Sight without losing 1d6's in sneak attack at those even levels. Death attack stacks with sneak attack, so I kinda counted them together in the character sheet I made. After Level 20 I'll just take additional epic sneak attacks. That's the thick of it.
It plays differently from the Devastating Rogue because you avoid melee combat altogether. You dish out way more damage though, especially hasted. To make crowded combat easier, it pays off to set traps before you sneak attack. After that it's just a 5 second run and the fun starts all over again. Fighting magic types should prove interesting. I have to take them out first because I can't resist their attacks. That should be ok with wizards, armored casters will provide a tactical challenge. Especially with other fighters/casters around.
It's troublesome to copy-paste a table in this text field, so I'm going to give you a screen capture of the character sheet instead. Wait.. [url="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o136/yunage/Image1-1.gif"]Oh lookie here it is![/url]
Now, I have three questions. No wait, four! They are multiplying.
- ONE, Monkey Grip. I know all about the great disadvantages of this feat, and how it doesn't hold up to power attacks. The difference though with this build is that it isn't a Finesse type build at all. Enough strength should compensate for the loss in hit chance. Well I'll have about 25 by level 20, so I'm guessing that should work out. Umm.. does it?
- TWO, Power Attack vs Cleave. People on the internets say you're better off getting Regular and Improved Power Attack than Monkey Grip. But I as far as feats go, I have plenty of room to spare so I can get all three. However, [url="http://home.gwi.net/~rdorman/frilond/rul/dm/power.htm"]this website[/url] has me scratching my head about if Power Attack will still be useful at higher levels. If I'm reading it right, the attack bonus will actually get less? If so then I might be better off taking Cleave.
- THREE, Critical Threat. I'm not sure if good critical range is the way to go here, since I'm focussing so much on sneak attacks. I assume critical damage probably isn't multiplied in the sneak attack, but I *think* the damage bonus is still added to the attack. Unmultiplied, of course. Am I right here?
- FOUR, Weapon Choice. Falchions seem like a good choice here. I've taken double Falchions (normally 2-handed weapons), because we're not talking about actual combat here, and I'm still under the assumption that I can make up for the loss in Hit through strength (I already know Monkey Grip doesn't improve off-hand hit chance. If I'm correct however, it will treat a 2 handed weapon with 1 handed level penalties in the off hand). So is that sound or not?