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Does "turn undead" stack?

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Does "turn undead" stack?

Post by QuenGalad »

If you have a cleric and a paladin, or two clerics, do their turn undead abilities stack? Or do they just turn independently? Or does the higher one take over? Just wonderin'...
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Post by Thrifalas »

I can't really tell for sure, but anything except them working independantly would be a major surprise to me. Good question though, will try it out if nobody can give a certain answer.
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Post by Deadalready »

As far as I found it doesn't stack, in fact it'd actually be more annoying than anything.

What's happened in my old games where I've had multiple turn undead skills active, usually the higher level skill will destroy undead and the low level skill will make monsters run away, the problem lies in monsters getting hit by a low level turn undead and running out of range of the higher level turn undead and avoiding death.

So yeah, avoid it if possible.
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Post by VonDondu »

"Turn Undead" is sort of like an attack. The effect depends on the level of the Cleric or Paladin compared to the level of the monster. For example, an 18th Level Cleric can make an 11th Level lich explode. (That's the effect if the Cleric is seven levels higher than the monster.) Given what I know about the technical details (which isn't really that much), I don't think there's any way to make two or more Turn Undead "attacks" stack. It's a one-on-one kind of thing. But both "attacks" might work at the same time if your characters are higher in level than the monsters you're turning (tas long as one of the attacks doesn't make the monster explode before the other attack takes effect).
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Post by Celacena »

what about Evil clerics?

Viconia 'turns' undead into recruits instead of exploding them - I had a party with 2 clerics - Vic, who turned them green and the PC who was a paladin (don't ask why) - turning actually affects you own undead, so what would happen is that some turned green and attacked others and then some exploded - including green ones.

what I like doing with Vic is to have her turning and watch the undead fight it out between themselves.

I wouldn't chance trying to turn many liches - I'm not sufficiently sure about their levels to risk it.
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