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How about the ranger?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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How about the ranger?

Post by pajasson »

allright i got a thousand questions that ive had over the years of baldurs gate that ive never found an answer to...heres one more:

what exactly does the rangers wisdom do? says hes got to be wise but my main character currently a ranger have wisdom 18 and valygar who is also sort of a ranger has only like 14-15...but he has the same amount of spellslots....wich i until now thought was the difference.

great forum btw!
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Post by Klorox »

Wisdom doesn't do anything for a Ranger (or Paladin for that matter) in the Baldur's Gate series.

In AD&D 2e, a high WIS adds to some saving throws, and grants bonus spells to Druids and Clerics, not any other spellcasters.
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-- Jackie Robinson

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