I actually liked Manaan, I thought it was a decent variation. Exploring the Sith base was probably the highlight for me.
For those who couldn't hack the slow pace in the underwater scenario, whilst I can understand, it was realistic. Having been in an old fashioned diving suit I can vouch for that, the unrealistic part was how good the visibility was, if that had been done realistically you really would have had something to complain about. LOL
d-mac wrote:1) I went to court so many times on that planet I thought it was Law and Order: Special Fisheads Unit. And you can't even fight the cops or anything; everything you do has to be justified in court.
:laugh: That was the aspect of Manaan that really did grate on me, love the L&O reference.
d-mac wrote:They're racist and superstitious, and ignore the Siths' atrocities as long as they aren't affected by the war.
If I was to state which real life countries that reminded me of I'd probably end up with a lifetime ban!
[QUOTE=Darth Gavinius;1096098]Distrbution of games, is becoming a little like Democracy (all about money and control) - in the end choice is an illusion and you have to choose your lesser evil.
And everything is hidden in the fine print.[/QUOTE]
The things I hate the most about Manaan are:
1. The Selkath's voices are annoying and it seems like they take forever to spit out what ever they want to say.
2. I can't seem to get the prices lowered on the planet, and considering how overpriced some of the items are, I was counting on getting that done.
3. It doesn't have as much action as some of the other levels (except the Sith Base, which was fun and rewarding).
4. Too much courtroom drama. If I was allowed to fight my way out of the arrest, there is no way they would be able to drag me into court.
On the positive side, I love the GenoHaradan Assassins Guild sidequests. You can knock 2 of them out right away without leaving Manaan and you get a couple of pretty good items out of it.
I felt that it was just about the most boring planet in the whole entire game.
There was no action at all except for the sith base and under the ocean.
Not only that, but the city is split up into sections that are completely pointless and that make the game go slower.
GooseyJoosey wrote:
Not only that, but the city is split up into sections that are completely pointless and that make the game go slower.
I can't agree more. Actually, some parts of the game also have long corridors aside from Manaan (but not that much). A very cheap way used by developers to lengthen a game.
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it takes...is someone to light the match" - Captain Price
Wopps wrote:Just my opinion but i hated Manaan with a passion. Maybe it was walkin on the ocean floor was to slow. or maybe there just wasn't enough action. anyone elses opinions?
yep i totally agree with you, it was mostly because of the lack of action plus the amount of time it takes to actually GET to the star map
also the fact that the dialect repeats every 10 seconds whilst they are talking its so annyoing!
also the amount of fights you can possibly get into is about 5 its so rubbish!!!
and the selkath(A.K.A FISH-FACES)are idiots with their neutrality laws! i reckon if they werent neutral i'd like them alot more...