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Would be better if

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment's Neverwinter Nights 2, the Mask of the Betrayer expansion pack, the Storm of Zehir expansion pack, and the Mysteries of Westgate adventure pack.
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Would be better if

Post by CoreTwo »

NWN2 would be a lot better if you could turn by moving the mouse to the edge of the screen. That only seems to move the camera, which springs back quickly, which is not very helpful for looking around even.

I'm not sure why there is a quickspell bar, I couldn't drag and drop spells onto it. I could put them on the bottom bars, but not the quick launch bar. Weird.

I'm only just past the fair. The city is under attack and I cant get outta the house. I opened the door and tried to go through it, but first I was BEHIND it lol. So... I backed up and tried again, and again. The door is open but I cant get out :/ Maybe I'm supposed to do something first, but its awful cramped in that house with all the other characters and I didn't feel like looking around. Maybe tomorrow.
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Post by Xandax »

The camera controls are something many people complain about with NwN2 - and I do not personally think it is very well done.
However after some playing you do get somewhat use to it .... (unless it pushes you away from the game of course :D ).

As for the spell issue, that sounds strange. Which quickspell bar do you talk about? The one which comes up when you press ... "f" (I think it is by default), with presents all your spells to the middle left of the screen?
Spells on that are put there automatically from what you can cast. If you play a sorcerer all your spells should be there automatically, and if you play a class which has to memorize spells, the memorized you can cast are shown there.
To memorize different spells you need to go into your spell book ("b" by default if I recall, but it might be language specific, so check your manual).

To move through open doors make sure your icon looks like a door with an arrow through it. If you just keep clicking the doors themselves, they'll close and open.

Hope this helps - otherwise - simply posts your questions to us in the forums and people'll do their best to help you. :)
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Post by shift244 »

CoreTwo wrote:NWN2 would be a lot better if you could turn by moving the mouse to the edge of the screen. That only seems to move the camera, which springs back quickly, which is not very helpful for looking around even.
There should be about 3 basic camera modes, one is a "chase cam", which seems to be what you have set it to. There should be one mode that sets the camera to center on the actively controlled character, but allows free rotation. There's also one other that allows free roaming and play NWN2 like a RTS. Change the camera mode, I can't remember the shortcut key, but the options menu should allow that.
I'm not sure why there is a quickspell bar, I couldn't drag and drop spells onto it. I could put them on the bottom bars, but not the quick launch bar. Weird.
The bottom bars are your quick slots. Like Xandax says, the little set of spells at the little side window are the list of available spells you currently have that changes with what you have available. You can only change this list by editing your spellbook and resting.

[/QUOTE]I'm only just past the fair. The city is under attack and I cant get outta the house. I opened the door and tried to go through it, but first I was BEHIND it lol. So... I backed up and tried again, and again. The door is open but I cant get out :/ Maybe I'm supposed to do something first, but its awful cramped in that house with all the other characters and I didn't feel like looking around. Maybe tomorrow.[/QUOTE] It's not that cramped inside the house... probably you mean your room. Never experienced unable to get anywhere before... although the "behind the door" experience was quite common.
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