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Lost Character

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment's Neverwinter Nights 2, the Mask of the Betrayer expansion pack, the Storm of Zehir expansion pack, and the Mysteries of Westgate adventure pack.
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Lost Character

Post by Rikto_Larib »

This is my first post here, so let me first say hello to everyone. I love the site and have found the forums to be most interesting! I plan to visit all the time now. :cool:

So I have a question that Im hoping someone out there can answer. I just bought Neverwinter Nights 2 about a month ago and have been enjoying it immensely. The other day I was looking around on-line and just out of curiosity I googled cheats for the game and found a site with an entire list of cheat codes for everything imaginable thats attainable in the game, armor, weapons, potions, jewels, additional character slots, etc. So, naturally I went nuts with the leveling and adding party members and equipping them to the max. But the thing is...and here is where the question comes into the process of doing all this I somehow managed to lose Neeshka somewhere. Ive searched high and low and in every place I visited up to that point and cant find her anywhere...and she's also not listed as an available companion to choose, even using the cheat to pull up ALL companions that you will eventually meet in your travels thru the game! Its like she has completley been erased as well as all her sidequests and storylines! Im at a total loss to explain it.

So the question. Has anyone else run into this problem and is there any way to fix it? Short of starting all over again (which I do NOT want to do) is there anyway I can find her. Annoying as she tends to be, she is very handy when it comes to disabling traps and unlocking chests and doors, and I want her in my party!
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Post by megainvj »

around act 2 i had that problem as well... i did not use cheats so i don't think the cheats u used are the cause to the problem.
about a solution the only one i know is go back to a previuos save... :eek: :eek: :(
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Post by Mz_Trixter »

This sounds similar to if not the same as having a corrupt file. If you don't have a saved game, or you keep having the same results then you could try to referring to any of these similar threads see if any help out.




This problem's been occurring frequently it seems. Also happened to me with Grobnar, ending in a total trigger malfunction at the final battle. However in your case, you may need to play up to the part where she actually "join's" your party if it comes down to where you have to go into saved game files to get her back.

G'Luck though.
''White light beams through darkness, beset by immense haze over a few seconds followed by a loud cacophony. Motionless, the repercussion of your action strikes your feebled mind and senses. Still dazed, the intensity lingers that follows after tripping over your own sonic blind trap.''
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