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Aerie won't stop talking (mild spoilers)

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prof. Moriarty
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Aerie won't stop talking (mild spoilers)

Post by prof. Moriarty »

I've read about NPCs not going further than a few steps before stopping again forcing the player to giving the order to move anew. I've understood that this may be fixed with patches.
I, on the other hand, is experiencing problems slightly different.

I've recently started experimenting with a number of mods with new characters. To test out this I've started a char for the easiest romance, Aerie.
But after a while (after she told me about how she came to be captured by the slavers she suddenly started a problem not unlike that earlier mentioned one. She starts a flirt dialogue after just a couple of steps, which I have to handle one way or the other, and then, of course needs to be told to move again.
I THINK that it the problem only shows up on the streets of Alkathla (but truth be told I haven't had the patience to explore this fully).

I'm using a couple of the Baldurdash mods,
Gibberling3 Tweakpack v.5
the Banterpack
the Flirtpackthe
the Soulafein mod
the Xan mod
maybe some else that I've forgotten about already, but I dont think so
and I failed to install the Imoen romance mod.

Any thoughts? Any patches or mods of something faulty?
I can't remember the exact order of installing but I THINK they were installed in the order I wrote them down.

Gratefull for any help!
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Post by fable »

At least two of those mods offer a dialog accelerator. If you installed it, that could explain why Aerie won't shut up.

Also, the tweak pack should be last in order of installation. Not sure that could affect anything, but still.
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Post by prof. Moriarty »

I see. Wouldn't that make her lovetalks accelerate too? Because they have at least not accelerated anyway NEARLY as fast as the flirts. Gah.

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Post by fable »

prof. Moriarty wrote:I see. Wouldn't that make her lovetalks accelerate too? Because they have at least not accelerated anyway NEARLY as fast as the flirts. Gah.

God wills it!
I think the lovetalks are cued differently by a series of flags. But all the other dialog is more or less random, and can show up at any time. The the lovetalk is piecemeal, but the rest is being thrown at you.
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Post by prof. Moriarty »

Ah... But the same can be said for the banter. Even if they are more frequent (and I'm not sure they ARE) they're at least not one every ½ second.
As I said: GAH!

Deus Vult!
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Post by fable »

prof. Moriarty wrote:Ah... But the same can be said for the banter. Even if they are more frequent (and I'm not sure they ARE) they're at least not one every ½ second.
As I said: GAH!

Deus Vult!
Can't say how it's happening, but it's easy enough to check. Rerun the setup files for those mods, and choose (A)sk for each of their respective options. Go through, and see what you've installed, and what you haven't. The (R)einstall option should only be available if you've already installed something, so that's an easy way to distinguish between installed and not-yet installed features. If you find an accelerator installed, choose to (U)ninstall it.
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prof. Moriarty
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Post by prof. Moriarty »

Yep. Will try that, and if that doesn't cut it I'll uninstall the flirt pack. After I've at least tested the flirt pack with the four original romanceable NPCs, of course. Thanks for your help, Fable.

Deus Vult!
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness" - Terry Pratchett
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