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Games Crashing

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Games Crashing

Post by JazzaPugh »

I have a problem with games randomly crashing to desktop when you are playing them, sometimes its after a few minutes other times it may not crash, i have ruled out Video card, PSU, and RAM, i am thinking windows is the problem because i haven't reinstalled it in 4 years, what might be some other causes for this to happen?

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Post by DesR85 »

I probably suspect the audio drivers on my first impression. Updating them usually helps to resolve this problem. The other solution is to run anti-virus and anti-spyware programs to remove any malicious software in your computer. If all else fails, then just reformat your computer as a last resort.
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Post by JazzaPugh »

It wasn't the audio drivers. Tried both onboard and dedicated sound card. Also tried both with and without hardware acceleration.

So is a reinstall of windows next and would it likely fix the problem?

Also could this be an overheating issue?
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Post by Loki[D.d.G] »

Not impossible, though unlikely. My first guess for erratic crashing would be your memory, but it seems you have ruled it out, so...

How about running that virus check?
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Post by Xandax »

When you say crashing to desktop, is that without any type of "warning" or error message, just *boom* and hello desktop? It is very difficult to debug such crash to desktop. But crashes to desktop doesn't really seem too symptomatic for hardware and driver issues, without some sort of error message. Usually hardware problems cause reboots or blue screen of death (or similar screens), and driver problems cause crashes with error messages.

If you have overheating issues you would experience "strange" crashes, however I would suspect the majority of the crashes would result in some sort of can't write protected memory error, blue screen of deaths or even complete reboots of the computer.
Overheating though is a strong suspect based on my experiences - especially due to the sporadic nature of the issue, however it should then also be other CPU heavy applications then just games.

You do say you've ruled out memory/RAM, however it is usually also one of the typical suspect, but again - crashes to desktop without any warning doesn't really seem like memory issues. Again it would be error messages and blue screens. I would still not rule out RAM completely, it is commonly that which gives problems, and even "RAM-test tested" memory can cause issues/problems. If you have multiple memory sticks in the computer, try removing all but one and rotate them. If you have spare or can borrow, try that instead.

The video card would indeed be my most obvious suggestion, but you say you've ruled that out as well. But if you at all have the possibility, then try to use an alternate graphic card if you either have a spare/old or one you can borrow. Or is this what you've already done?

Audio drivers I doubt, but that's also tested out by yourself. But do try to completely remove and disable all audio drivers/devices (likely bios for onboard and remove the dedicated card).

I do not think the power supply is the way to go, and you've ruled that out yourself as well, as that should shut down multiple things at once and not just throw you to desktop.

If you have anti-virus running that could cause problems as well. I was once experiences random "minimizing" of games, which I tracked back to Nortons Autoprotect feature. If you have an AV program which runs some sort of continued hard disk scanning and/or script protection, then try to disable or uninstall and see if that fixes it.

You do not mention which games it is that crash - is it all? Or just some?
What system do you run? WinXP, Vista or earlier versions? A reinstall might be a good idea - just to rule that out. Also as suggested by Loki - try scanning for virus and spy-/malware.
Can your version/discs of the games run on different systems at all?
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Post by JazzaPugh »

It turns out that RAM was the problem, i thought i ruled it out when i ran a memtest and game back with no error reports, the RAM doesn't have errors, its faulty so im back to the original 512 i had and everything works fine so im going to take the RAM back and get them to replace it.

Thanks for the help anyway guys, greatly appreciated
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