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Please help...Problem with Light Armor/Unarmed !!!

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Please help...Problem with Light Armor/Unarmed !!!

Post by Shadowshire »

Please help...Problem with Light Armor/Unarmored !!!

I really need some help...I've always played Heavy Armor builds, but decided to try light armor for a new build. Problem is that almost every third hit i take, bypasses my armor and is counted as unarmored. Can this be real ????

I mean do i have to spend points in both light and unarmored to have just a decent defence ???

I never had this problem with medium/heavy armor before. If this is normal, im back to Heavy Armor right away....
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Post by TheDeadShadow »

are you whering all armor or r u missing parts of ur armor?

wat i mean is r u fully armored but not wearing a helment or gloves or something like that....if u r not fully armored i think that is why....thats just an idea it never happened to me. plz messege me.i can get all kinds of info if u need it.:mischief:

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Post by Thrar »

When you take a hit, it is determined which part of your armor covers the body part that is hit. If you're not wearing armor in that slot, it counts as unarmored, otherwise the type of armor you're using in that place.
Check the armor you're currently wearing, it seems like there are some parts missing. You should have a helmet, two pauldrons, two gauntlets, something to cover the body, greaves, and boots. Clothing (shirt etc.) doesn't matter for this. As a beast race, you will always get some hits counting as unarmored, since you can't wear boots.
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Post by Shadowshire »

Im wearing helmet, cuirass, pauldrons (L+R) gauntlets (L+R), greaves and boots. So thats why i can't see why it happens. Im playing Wood Elf with a full Chitin armor.

I can see on my character that the greaves and boots and the pauldrons and gauntlets leaves a bit "skin" open, but never had this problem with heavy armor...
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Post by Greg. »

You don't have a shield, and Chitin isn't one of the better armours.
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Post by galraen »

Shadowshire wrote:I mean do i have to spend points in both light and unarmored to have just a decent defence ???
NO, in fact spending points in unarmoured would be a waste. The fact that some hits increase your unarmoured skill is incidental, and doesn't actually reflect on your defence. Not having a shield shouldn't be making a difference in regards to your 'problem', but as Greg points out, chitin armour is pretty useless. If you're playing with Tribunal installed you'll shortly have much better armour to wear, if not search around for glass armour, it can be found fairly easily.

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Ghostgate, Tower of Dusk is a good place to look.
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Post by ForScyth3 »

you can get glass armor from the quest in the temple to get the Crossier of St LLothis is Dagoth Ur, just go inside to the lower part and into onw of the tower's, i forgot which one, its in the walkthrough of the tribunal temple on here, but yeah, youll have a full glass armor set, oh and you can get the helm from the tower of dusk for the glass armor.
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