This is going way off topic... but..Faberge wrote:But what makes someone a good warrior? I suppose it is the ability to kill, and if a warrior is on a battlefield he does his best to kill and, please imagine a long sigh in this slot, and grill as much as possible. Well, what he is doing is taking lives, often following a plan without a question, showing absolutely no regret, and does it all in cold blood without a flinch - and while being armed with gruesome tools.
In other words it fills the definition of murder. And thus the lot of warriors, would be nothing else than a lot of mass murderers.
While I do see your point, I think that is a bit of a blanket statement, and rather unfair, since you are basically implying that all soldiers, no matter the era in which they fought, are cold-blooded murderers.
In some case..yes, that is true. But, there are many, many shades of grey, and it depends wholly on the circumstances.