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Any similar games?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Troika Games' Temple of Elemental Evil.
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Any similar games?

Post by Vash854 »

Are there any games similar to ToEE? I have played Neverwinter Nights (not the 2nd one) and I don't find it to be as fun as ToEE for me, I really like the turn based combat of ToEE, anyone know any games like this?
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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

There is sadly nothing quite like ToEE.
The folks at Circle of Eight are working on a fan-made game using ToEE's engine and based upon another classic module "The Keep on the Borderlands"
I've got no idea how far along they are, but it's a big project.

There is I think a turn-based game for the PSP that's a surprisingly good port of D&D 3.5.

Other than that, the standard recommendations of NWN and Baldur's Gate 2 (which lets you choose to pause at the end of every turn and such)
Proud user and advocate of [url=""]MapTool[/url]for all my RPing-at-a-distance.
(Use the lastest 1.3 build - it's still beta, but stable and far better than 1.2)
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Post by Vash854 »

Thanks, I'll check out that CoE game and the other games.
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Post by BlueSalamander »

Hello, I am making a game that is similar to ToEE in many ways.

It's called Knights of the Chalice. You can read all about it at

I have written a review of the Keep on the Borderlands demo there.

The PSP game mentioned by Lord Plothos is Dungeons & Dragons Tactics. From what I've heard it's not as good as ToEE.

I would recommend Dark Sun Shattered Lands and Wizardry 8 instead.

Dark Sun's turn-based combat is nearly as good as that of ToEE, and is faster.

Wizardry 8 uses a phase-based combat mode. A bit slow, but better than real time with pause, in my opinion.
BlueSalamander is the developer of Knights of the Chalice, a 2D fantasy cRPG with turn-based combat. Check it out at
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