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Mutagenic potion

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Sweethart Rose
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Mutagenic potion

Post by Sweethart Rose »

I play the whole game without using the mutagenic potion. how do I use them? I could not figure out how do use them. I drink them and go to sleep and it doesn't let me get any mutagen talents. What am I doing wrong? :confused:
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Post by swcarter »

You drink mutagenic potions the same way as other potions. You right click on them to drink them.

But different mutagenic potions do different things. Some of them give you talents (which you then have to spend when you meditate), but the rest give you new abilities (which you don't have to do anything for).

Sir Edmund: "Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?"
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
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