Whilst entering Hollywood, a girl runs into me, apparently recognizing my character. No matter what I tell her, she doesn't let up and finally calls some people using the nearby phone, suggesting to get help from the police or demanding to take my character to a hospital, in case I pretended not to know her.
This constantly results in a Masquerade Violation.
I thought of attacking her but she's on an open street so I can't do anything without alarming anyone can I?
So what the **** can I do about her?!
CrackedMirror wrote:Whilst entering Hollywood, a girl runs into me, apparently recognizing my character. No matter what I tell her, she doesn't let up and finally calls some people using the nearby phone, suggesting to get help from the police or demanding to take my character to a hospital, in case I pretended not to know her.
This constantly results in a Masquerade Violation.
I thought of attacking her but she's on an open street so I can't do anything without alarming anyone can I?
So what the **** can I do about her?!
Bah, it should be in the walkthrough but it's not.
1) If you have a high enough Persuasion, you can lie to her and tell her she's mistaken you for someone else.
2) You can indeed attack her before she begins to dial the phone but that will earn you a police violation, a maquerade violation, or both depending on if you successfully attack her or if there are any witnesses.
3) If you have the Trance discipline, you can agree to let her phone someone and use her discipline immediately once she starts to walk to the phone. Then just walk away from her before she comes to.
The easiest way to deal with her is just to keep your Persuasion skill up to snuff.
I'm not sure if this will work, as the stupor might be rather iffy at times; but you can try to follow her to the phone and try drinking from her before she makes/competes the phone call, and hope she doesn't just continue afterwards or the game does not penalize you anyway.
Alternatively (it's cheating in a way), take a hint from your Nosferatu friends and bypass the encounter altogether by using the sewers.
Faust wrote:And, as usual, the Malkavian way is the most entertaining way.
Voices talking in your head, talking with "STOP" signs, newscasters telling jokes from the T.V., ability to use Dementation in dialogues, very cool character models, etc. With all these characteristics it should be a ball to play as a Malk, don't you think?
Unfortunately I didn't get much fun playing as a Malkavian... Just trying to decipher what's the meaning of each of his/her lines in conversations and trying to read each word with that horrendous font is very time consuming and I get very desperate when I'm ready to start a killing spree. I always play as a female Tremere no matter how many times I start the game; I've tried to use other clans but after the first hours I get bored and end up quitting. I also like the location of the Tremere haven, it's nearer to the taxi cab and you don't have to wait for an elevator or squeeze through the vents to get there. Your PC terminal, fridge and magic box are in much convenient locations too.
And so I left... Cold of heart and soul. ~†~Forced to the road... and the long, bitter night.~†~
I quite enjoyed playing as a Malkavian, only problem I had was I offended Jeanette very early on in the game by saying something mean without realising it ... I didn't read it as an insult!!
Faust wrote:And, as usual, the Malkavian way is the most entertaining way.
Aie, I forgot that by the same token you should be able to Dominate her during conversation if you're a Ventrue, but I've never played a Ventrue that far into the game.
If you can't then that should get fixed in a patch.
Kid SixXx wrote:Aie, I forgot that by the same token you should be able to Dominate her during conversation if you're a Ventrue, but I've never played a Ventrue that far into the game.
You can indeed use Dominate to make Samantha forget and the whole sequence is in fact listed in the great walkthrough featured here, under unlogged quests.