Tolden wrote:Nope and I don't think you really answered the question posed to you. Nobody asked you how your name is what it is, but why. So if you're going to ask questions you should answer the same! Now here is a question for you from me! Do you enjoy pickled ginger with your sushi?
I disagree. I believe I have answered the question quite satisfactory. Especially when taking the nature of question in consideration.
Here is an example:
Jill: What on earth has happened in here? Why does our door look like that?
Jack: Well, you remember Bob, the ironmonger from Petunia Street. He had a real bargain offer, a bucket of red paint for a pound. And since you’ve nagged about how the door should be repainted, I took the initiative. Too bad the red paint ran out when I still had half of the door to paint, but luckily, I found some yellow paint in the garage to finish it. Since I found little bit of blue paint left too, I decided to decorate our newly painted door with some blue dots. I left the door to dry, went inside, where I felt my urge to smoke, I grasped for my cigarettes, and headed outside for a quick smoke. As I usually do - I leaned on the door, but I am afraid the paint was still a bit wet, and here we are.
About pickled ginger and sushi; I once thought ginger was green. Majority of the spices I use to spice up my cooking tend to be green. Thus, I would say the misconception is understandable. I did indeed once try pickled ginger - by pickling the ginger by myself. Nevertheless, I am not sure if I did it right, or if I allowed it to be too fermented. After closer inspection, it contained rather large quantities of ethanol, the taste was not as bad as you could imagine. However, my memory is a little bit foggy on what happened afterwards.
I must say that pickled pickles and sushi do mix up rather well. I wouldn’t eat raw or dried fish without some pickles to accompany it on the plate.
As for as it goes to things Fable has expressed: HAH! You’ll never catch me storing kegs of gun powder under the House of Parliament.