I went to see Wong Ho to see if he knew anything about a certain fishy character who was said to be in Chinatown. Didn't get anything about that, but my character got the line Spoiler
"I found out who the silver-haired man was" If I followed this through, I was able to tell him about the laboratory. Thing is, I'd never discussed anything with him except his daughter and the Tong. What did I miss, and what should have triggered the conversation?
I believe, enough is said if I confirm that any fishy characters are not related to him (other than being in his domain there) and are triggered and the quest furthered by other characters. Look around every room in his establishment and try and chat up everyone there. Then check back every now and again (after making some progress with certain quests) and try again. I'm sure someone will pop up, something that helps.
. I've also done all other side-quests in the area. And I know what the dialogue I quoted above refers to, I just wondered how it tied in with Wong Ho. Not important, I was just curious.
Wong Ho and Tong are rivals in the area, and I believe that after the rescue, if you explore all conversation options, I believe he raises concerns over Tong and his operations. You then, I presume, get the option to follow up on his worries and aid him in the power struggle.
It's probably a tying up of loose ends with him, after all the help he gave you and the sacrifice of his contact and all that. Not exactly a quest, but some closure on his part in the plot and arc of the story.
There are also the consideration that the programmer/scripters might not be able to catch and record all the conversation options so some of it might be missing leaving a sudden knowledge/memory in part of the characters of things that were never discussed.
I did talk to him about the Tong, but it was just a discussion of how they'd got worse lately, and gave me clues about Ming's possible involvement. Nothing about the possibility of helping him. Probably needed higher levels of Persuasion or something. Anyway, I can be happy I helped him with his problem, even if I didn't know he had one! Oh, and his contact wasn't sacrificed; my Gangrel managed to keep him alive through the ambush more by luck than good management.
Haha... great job keeping him alive! I tried, but was successful only half the time if that much. He has a nasty tendency to stand and fight instead of bunkering down and force them to storm the office door.
Anyway, there is no direct request from him for help (after his daughter quest). It is his affair after all. As I've said earlier, I believe it's likely not intended to be a quest since you are doing it more for yourself than for him, but was included as some form of closure for him.