But what about the other way around? I know of a few RPGs that were a lot better than you were let to believe, or than you would think if you read about them. Some simply didn't get any attention at all.
Ofcourse, this is fairly personal. You might have enjoyed a game more or less than someone else did.
Note: In my list, I used RPG very loosely, so let's not fret about "That's an Action-RPG, not an RPG!", etc.
Wizardry VIII: Most reviews and players complain about this game, but I found it has a tremendously deep system and a fairly original class-progression system.
Revenant: It combined very interactive combat mechanics with an original spell-casting system and a fairly good story-line. Also, the music was sweet. But since it was Jeremy Soule's music, that's no wonder.
Kult: I mentioned this in another thread already. It only appeared as a budget title in Belgium and I never heard of it before. It was some bugs, but it is strangely addicting. For a second-class game, the story is very good.
Titan Quest: While well-known, I get the feeling this game doesn't get the love it deserves. It has a plethora of class options, a detailed world, a nice feeling of traveling through the world with the little quests, and villages and people you find on your way. I liked its music as well. The whole game breathes atmosphere.
Planescape Torment: I felt I should mentions this, since it represents the pinnacle of gaming for me. It's well-known and loved by most avid RPG players, but little known outside of this niche.
This is not to say that all of these five games are the best games ever created, but that they didn't get the credit they deserved. Just wanted to stress that aspect.
P.S.: I'm sure I forgot some.