That background you mentioned would be ok.
Maybe the raised by orcs/troll offspring might be good. You will need DEX, whatever path you choose, and STR is always helpful to carry things. (Believe me, you want as less encumbrance as possible.)
This may sound strange, but for a Tech-character Mad Doctor is quite good. Look at the bonus to PER & INT. The lower DEX can initially be countered by making yourself two electrical rings. (Check the schematics and buy that copper ring at character creation.)
as a veteran, i made a Dwarf with the Army Training, thus increases my Melee and i already have a gun skill ^_^
lucky as a half-elf, you have the DEX to overcome it, what you do is get Army Training to crank that Melee, so try to get your gun up asap, then there ya go ^_^
The Banana Fish Strikes again! >{{{|">
Educator would be my first choice if my comp didn't go so slow when dealing with the animations of 8 other characters on screen, followed by beat with the ugly stick(beauty doesn't do that much and it can be regained in lots of ways when u need to talk to someone you u need to be beautifull for), raised in the pits(The int hit may be a problem), and troll offspring, escaped lunatic is cool as well.
Taking Army Training for the bonus to melee isn't wise: it isn't a whole point, so you still need to spend 5 pointqs to max it, and the bonus it gives isn't that significant.
i tried them all, but it feels like without that bonus to melee, i'm a weak warrior, and i don't want to die every 5 friggin seconds in game...i mean yeah as a dwarf i got some tech bonuses, but what do you suggest?
The Banana Fish Strikes again! >{{{|">
Backgrounds that give stat points, or at least 4 skill points in one skill. 4 skillpoints in a background = 1 skillpoint. Apart from that, DEX is your most important combat stat.
GawainBS wrote:Taking Army Training for the bonus to melee isn't wise: it isn't a whole point, so you still need to spend 5 pointqs to max it, and the bonus it gives isn't that significant.
Any small bonus to a skill will allow you to become an expert/master earlier. It's useful in that regard.
And you don't need to spend 5 points to max melee. If you're willing to wait, two will do it.
For fighters there is a background "ran away with the circus". It boosts your strength while taking from other stats so that you could probably gain 2-3 points in the long run. If you are playing half-orc however you might stick to the plain simple "factory escapee" +1 ST.
What stroke me when I was going through the backgrounds firstly was "Escaped Lunatic". It's a human background that gives you 25% normal, FR, ER, PR for a mere cost of 25 reaction modifier. What lacks here is that you could probably achieve 95% normal damage resistance even without your bonus 25%. Fire and electrical may come in handy, but there's just not enough creeps that strike you with lightning and... fire... well... if you wanted fire resistance you would probably need more than your 25 bonus thus making your equips somewhat specific. That's why in the long run I prefer taking some other background.
For mages "Only Child" background is a killer. I think it should be unavailable for Half-Ogres. I like "technofobia" for mages also, but it doesn't quite live up to "Only Child". "Sold Your Soul" is nice, but you might miss out on a quest or two. Personally I like bonus MA, because I use rather few spells.
For tech characters I usually go for a simple bonus on a stat, because I hybrid them to melee instead of going firearms. Also I've found skill bonuses to be pretty crappy. I never get such backgrounds. Maybe "barbarian" or something. Dunno.