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Missed Nostradamus quest?

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Missed Nostradamus quest?

Post by Nerine »

Instead of bumping several other threads i decided to make a new one.


If you gave the spirit gem to davinci before asking about the Nost. Quest you would end up with a bug and not able to continue.
(Ive heard that you could talk to the giants in toulouse, Tho i cant confirm this since im one of those that killed them...)

Anyhow... For all of you that happen to get this bug, Do not fear! I actually found a way around it.


This is a bit time consuming... Oh well

First off, To make this easy open up Lionheart and move the character to montaillou. After that enter some house (I used the church)
Save the game!
Now to the "hard" part...

1. Open up your favorit ZIP program
2. Go to Lionheart dir.
3. Open up data.dat
4. Extract all the files, They should end up in Lionheart\data by default
5. When the extraction is finished, Rename data.dat to whatever, For example data.bak
6. Go to Lionheart\data\Levels and rename:

"3 Montaillou" to "3 Montaillou2"
"5 Nostrodomus" to "3 Montaillou"
"3 Montaillou2" to "5 Nostrodomus"
(wrote it like that to make less confusion, Tho it might sound silly...)

Thats about it, Now open up Lionheart, Load the game and the map should be "reset" Go and talk to davinci and then to witch(try to stay indoors, as in the witch hut), Save the game.

All you have to do now is to rename the the folders once again or simply just delete Lionheart\data and rename the data.bak to data.dat.

What i actually tried to do was to enter the map by bugging the game myself, but i somehow wasnt able to for some strange reason... Anyhow, This is how i did and it worked great!
Oh and hopefully i didnt miss anything, I still got a pretty high fever but i was just to happy when i found a workaround that i had to write a guide ;)

Ugh, This forum part might be dead... Well it might help out someone in need...
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