I'm playing one of those parties atm. Inquisitor, Fig/Thi, F/M/C, Archer, Avenger, Sorcerer. However, I had LOTS of more fun in my second last playthrough consisting of three naked sorcs and a F/T/M.
I'm already thinking about quitting my "regular" party and trying out a full-force strenght party consisting of four fighters and two bards. Mislead on the bards and +16 hit/+16 THAC0 for my whole party along with other goodies. I'll also have two Inquisitors in the party for a neat dispel.
So, for the thread, I'm wondering how many of you guys are stuck playing the old versatile balanced party and how many have some fancy setups up your sleeves. If you don't, maybe you should consider it, and if you do, I'd be glad to hear about them.