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any1 plays gothic 2?can any1 tell me...

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Burning Heart
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any1 plays gothic 2?can any1 tell me...

Post by Burning Heart »

...can any1 tell me how to complete the three quests in the monastery that are needed to be a magician of fire???:mischief: :mischief: :mischief:
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Post by fable »

Moving to the Gothic forum, where this belongs.

...consider, as well, dropping the message speak. I almost deleted your post as gibberish. ;)
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Post by Argosy »


Are you referring to the test of fire, with the quests given by Serpentes, Uthar, and Pyrokar? If so:

For Pyrokar's quest, head to the north-eastern area of the world, but when you get to the point where the path heads up to the hunter and black troll near the lake, move off the path to the right, and keep right. You'll eventually enter a small clearing with a cave hidden by moss. Enter the cave, and when the cave branches, stay right. There will be a novice standing near a chest. When you approach, he will initiate a short conversation, then attack. Dispatch him using weapons or a sleep scroll, then take the rune from the chest using the key Pyrokar gave you. Take the rune back to Pyrokar.

Uthar's quest is to make a fire arrow rune. To do so, head to the Monastery's library and talk to the master of fire about learning to make this rune. He will instruct you to obtain the proper materials(sulfur, a scroll of fire arrow, and a blank rune). You should already have a blank rune from pyrokar's quest, and you can purchase the other materials from people in the monastery if you don't have them. Talk to the master of fire again, and he will teach you the formula if you have at least 5 LP. Go to the rune table in the library and make it. Talk to Uthar again.

Serpentes's quest is to kill a magic golem. Go to the monastery cellar, and locate the sacred hammer. It will be in a room guarded by one of the novices. Either knock out the novice, steal the hammer and let him knock you down, or cast sleep on him. After you have the hammer, make your way out of the monastery and turn left at the Dead Harpy tavern. Continue in that direction until you see a hill you can go up on the right side of the path(at this point, there should be water near the other side of the path). Head off the path and up that hill, and you will see a golem. it will only take one hit to kill it if you have the sacred hammer equipped. After it's dead, head back to the monastery and give the hammer back to the novice that was guarding it. Talk to Serpentes again.
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