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MoTB Enchanting Problem

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment's Neverwinter Nights 2, the Mask of the Betrayer expansion pack, the Storm of Zehir expansion pack, and the Mysteries of Westgate adventure pack.
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MoTB Enchanting Problem

Post by Secosera »

Hello there,

New here, thought I'd post to see if I could get some help since all the searching I've done has netted no solutions.
So on to the problem: I cannot get any enchantments to work. I put the item in the satchel, along with the appropriate essences, close the satchel and cast the spell required on the satchel. I open it up, and sitting there is the weapon and the essences right below it(I used axe of the bear kings and 3 pristine power essences, I cast greater magic weapon on the bag). I've tried it with various other weapons and essences and spells, and I still get nothing.

I've searched all over these forums, and bioware's, and googled it in every way I could think of, and I get nothing. I checked my override folders, nothing is in them(is this supposed to be like this? I read somewhere it could be conflicting files, but mine have nothing in them).

I feel as if I am missing out on a valuable part of the game, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Dak Ralter
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Post by Dak Ralter »

What level is your character at?
To use 3 pristine essences you have to caster level 30.

Read this crafting guide for more information
GameFAQs: Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer (PC) MotB Crafting Guide by szajin
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Post by Secosera »

The problem isn't the spell level, I tried it with the short sword +3 and water essence at the start of the campaign, and many other times throughout the game. It simply doesn't work.
My order of execution is as follows:
Open satchel
place weapon in satchel
place required essences in satchel
close satchel
cast appropriate spell
open satchel
bang head against wall

Am I missing something?
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Post by MirielKanan »

I think you may have misunderstood what the previous post was stating, in order to enchant items with 3 Pristine Essences, your character must be level 30. Also some weapons simply can not be enchanted any further than what they are. Hope this helps you.
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Post by Secosera »

Thanks for the help, but that isn't the problem. I understand the level part, my problem is at any level from the start of MotB to the end, no enchanting works, no matter what.
I've tried it with a level 30 safiya with basic enchants, and a level 18 safiya on a short sword +3 and a brilliant water essence right at the beginning of the campaign. None of it works. I hope I cleared my problem up. I appreciate your posts trying to help, and I'm sorry if I come off as rude, it's not my intention at all.

edit: also, it's not the weapon either, I've tried it on blank base weapons and had no luck =(
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Post by swcarter »

FWIW, it sounds like you're doing the enchanting correctly, so the problem might be with the game itself. If you have some free time, you could uninstall and re-install the game, and then try enchanting without applying any patches.

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Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
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