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Help! Character wont' attack

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Help! Character wont' attack

Post by OfDoor13 »

I have come across a rather strange bug.

My main character just randomly lost the ability to attack...when I click for him to attack he just stands there. He makes the exclamation that he is attacking and I see the circle around his target flashing as to indicate he is attacking. But he does not, he just stands there, indefinetely.

i have tried resting, reloading, restarting, everything. I have no idea why this happened. I did use shadowkeeper to change his avatar from mage elf to mage human, and when i load to before i made the change, he is able to attack. however, that was very long ago, and this just happened recently. however, when i load back to the save game where i had the original avatar, he is able to attack. i find this is very odd, as i changed the avatar of another character and she is still able to attack. also, i tried changing the avatar back to the original one by use of shadowkeeper but it did not change anything. also, when i shapechange my character, he is able to attack, but when i make him his original form, he no longer can.

its frustrating playing with a main character who just stands there when you tell him to attack! he can still cast spells but not engage in combat. i do have a large number of mods installed, so that might have something to do with it, but all this time they have all been working flawlessly until i have come across this (seemingly) unrelated problem. i have not experienced any major bugs, until now.

has anyone else encountered this ? I am running a 2.8 Intel Celeron with 512 MB ram. I have ToB installed, and updated to the latest offical non beta patch. I have a GeForce FX 5500. here is a list of mods installed, in order.

Wild Mage Editions : Spellshaper Kit/Spells
Ascension v1.41
Amber the NPC MOD
Kivan of Shilmista
"The Undying" Mod
Romantic Encounters
Return to Planer Sphere
Luiz Mods Robe of Vecna Tweak
Pocket Plane Banter Pack
IEP Banter Pack
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Post by Deadalready »

This is just a blind guess, has that idiot Sanik thrown a sword at the head of your character?

Cause that sometimes causes attacking problems.
Warning: logic and sense is replaced by typos and errors after 11pm
, it has yet to return
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