Killing a really powerful Darth Traya (spoilers inside?)
Hi guys.
I reached the near-end of the game (light side, no dark-side powers) and I'm now battling <spoiler>Spoiler
with Darth Traya
</spoiler>. I read somewhere that there are two parts: <spoiler>Spoiler
The first one is supposed to be easy, and the second one, with three sabers, should be also easy.
</spoiler> In this post I'm talking about the 1st part.
I made Traya really, really strong throughout the game I had no idea this will happen, and now I can't make her HP go beneath 1/2! She keeps using her Force powers and draining my HP to fill hers. I've been at it for two hours now, and I just can't kill her!
It shouldn't be this hard! No matter what I do I can't get the HP to fall below 1/2...!
Use force-resistant equipment and equipment that can resist mental powers. They're very useful. I suggest reading up on the equipment database here since I can't remember their names.
P.S. Hello and welcome to the forums, kevinz.
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
I did the same thing the first time through and she was TOUGH. Try and remember what powers you gave her, she'll use those on you. Obviously buff up and use speed. You can search the forum for tactics. ***SPOILER*** Spoiler
I backed away and fought the lightsabers one at a time. Once they were done I went after Traya. She resisted force powers, so I buffed myself and used my lightsaber. Even then I had to strategically withdraw(run away) and heal myself several times.
I hope this helps.
Land of the Free Because of the Brave
Apathy is death
Impressive...very impressive
I went back to a save i had before the castle. I had Force resistance gear but I didn't match the prestige: the two levels I advanced only allowed me to learn powers or general abilities (no feats etc). So I got myself the Force Resistance power to max and it did the trick quite well! <spoiler>Spoiler
The old lady kept trying to use her force powers over me with no success. She ain't a master swordswoman so I handled her just fine.
The three floating sabers were on the same "difficulty level" of Traya herself.Since she was on a very high level (I trained her too well) it took some time to beat her and her sabers, but again -- she was helpless without her force powers!
Thanks for the help, guys!
p.s. sorry, probably should've written "SPOILER" in the title
I'm pretty sure that the Traya you face at the end is not in fact affected in any way by (spoiler)how you develop Kreia in the game in terms of feats, powers. Although she's nominally the same person, in fact her attributes and abilities in the final battle against Traya seem to be the same no matter what. I've tested this by not using Kreia at all except when compulsory, and not levelling her up at all all game. It made no obvious difference to her in the Traya fight.What DOES affect how easy you find the final fight to be is your own equipment and abilities.
One helpful tip is that she will sometimes get 'stuck round a corner' and just stand there while you kill her with some ranged FP. I also find the 'burst of speed' power very useful; cast it and then you can run faster than Traya. Run away to one of the far corners, and while she's catching up you'll have a couple of 'free rounds' in which to heal yourself, buff yourself or throw lightning at her while she's moving.
After completing the game that way, I waited for a week or so and then I started the game again (being the good guy again, but a different class - still not Guardian). This time, however, I avoided using her in battles anywhere I could, and when it was inevitable--I used the Auto LevelUp thing. Also, I made sure I had full Force Resistance before I got to her. I killed her spending about 1% of the time I spent trying to kill her in the previous game.
I guess this can differ from user to user -- whether you are a guardian or anything else, good or evil, got gear or not, etc.
Though, the thing i recommend to do is just use Auto Level Up on her constantly. She's a consular, she's not a fighter!
this may seem cowardly, but you can place a heck load of deadly mines before the battle and have her pursue you through them, nearly killing her. if you char is powerful enough, you can bash her instead of her floating sabers and she falls very quickly(and you dont have to fight those stupid sabers!)
as for evil players(with force) keep using force crush on her, whether it works or not, she wont have any time to counter-attack and youll never get a single point of damage.
You should just use Master speed,but if you odnt have it use knight speed, that might work havent relly tried. And use flurry while youre wielding master speed and she should die after 3-10 strikes. i killed her at three with master speeed and master flurry.
The term, Don't hate the player hate the game, is just what all computer game players do.
The last time i finished the fight with her, once you get to the second round, you can see the amount of vitality points she gains back. As far as i can tell (spoiler),Spoiler
she gets/has 1000 points, plus your pc's vitality amount. So, in a certain sense, the higher your points are, so are hers.
Not to mention, i hate that back flip she does, which seems to avoid almost every swing you make.
The easiest way to defeat any Darth Traya on any difficulty is to stock up on adhesive grenades the whole game. When you fight her, lob them at her while you're far away. She can't use force powers while she's glued down, and Traya stinks at lightsaber fighting.
When you fight the floating lightsabers, run all the way back to the bridge where you started at. Dark Jedi can continually Force Crush them, if you have enough FP for all three of them. Light Jedi should use Force Wave them until they stop floating and die. Traya will go on about the future and then you either throw her into the planet core or you escape the doomed planet in a beat-up Ebon Hawk.
"Savior, conquerer, hero, villian. You are all things, Revan, and yet you are nothing. In the end, you belong to neither the light nor the darkness. You will forever stand alone...":devil:
I dont have force wave... Im light in the game and I didnt give the main character force wave! im level like... 27 and i never got it. and i cant fricken kill the light sabres..... and i dont have any med packs or life support packs or anything.... any suggestions?