Now this poll has interesting (to me) results. I never would've guessed that red was the most popular color - it's my least favorite. I like the oddball colors myself, violet, silver, viridian, bronze, etc.
personally the lightsaber colour i wear usually depends on what armor i wear
(no im not gay i just like stuff to match) if im wearing the jal shay( dark green armor) i use either viridian or green( sometimes redd sabers in christmas lol) and so forth the only exceptions are the normal and dark jedi robes where anything work
but person ally ive got to say the odd colours appeal to me more cyan is pretty kool looking (to bad i never use it cause i never play good side )
I gave Handmaiden a silver double-bladed lightsaber, looked cool with her white jedi robe, i used two orange lightsabers as a sith maruader, and one yellow lightsaber as a sentinel/watchman
"Savior, conquerer, hero, villian. You are all things, Revan, and yet you are nothing. In the end, you belong to neither the light nor the darkness. You will forever stand alone...":devil:
i must say that my favorite is Cyan. It just looks a hole lot cooler than blue, imo.
This poll did reveal something to me though. Bronze? I can't say i've ever come across a bronze crystal while playing this game. I guess i'll have to find one.
I am currently traveling through cyrodiil.I'm exploring Lost Boy Caverns,after I'm done there I am heading over to Bravil' mage's guild to join the guild.
YOU DONT KNOW THE POWER OF THE DRUNKSIDE ill beat you up with my bottl ...lightsaber!!!And Drunk Side is a bar in KOTOR1... check these out!
BLACK!!! I remember a mod for kotor1 which allowed black lighsabers to be used. I was using Darth Revan's skin and two black lightsabers. That was something!
Aside from modding I prefer silver.
i like silver for on bladed and i usly use to on hilts(dualing) but for two bladed i like green blue and red mostly cuz i like the idea that my light saber is still a form of a sowred like a silver balde