This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, its Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles expansions, and any user-created or premium modules.
This might be a spoiler if you talk about what reward weapon you get for doing a mission.
Okay, so I've been wondering, what sort of weapon do you use, and why do you also recomend it, and what skill will it go best with. You can answer any of these questions, or all. Tell me your answers, and maybe along with "where to get it" tips.
So my answer is, a deadric bow of shock, it does alot of damage even if you need arrows, and it goes good with 100 sneak skill.
Chuck Norris doesn't read books, he just stares them down until they give him information.
I like Shock damage, too, because more critters are susceptible to it. If I am in the Mage Guild, I always have a staff with Shock damage that I carry around for emergency use. I prefer other magical weapons, personally, but a staff is good at times!
Best of all is a weapon that does Fire, Frost AND Shock damage. These I create for myself at an Altar of Enchanting.
There's no set weapon that I use, taylor the weapon to the monster I'm facing. So I carry shock weapons for those that are susceptible, such as Dremora, Ice weapons for Flame Atronachs, Flame for Frost, either of the last two for Storm.
As a mage of course I don't use weapons, but have suitable spells for each type of monster. I have a Mage staff of course, as an emergency back-up, but I don't think I've ever used it.
As a fighter, it's appropriate bow first, followed by similar weapon. Not much use, or life expectancy only having shock weapons, those Storm Atronachs will eat you for breakfast! I actually prefer single handed weapons, both for the extra sneak damage, and better protection a shield offers.
[QUOTE=Darth Gavinius;1096098]Distrbution of games, is becoming a little like Democracy (all about money and control) - in the end choice is an illusion and you have to choose your lesser evil.
And everything is hidden in the fine print.[/QUOTE]
i use the ebony blade.....u get it sanguine deadra shrine? i forgot were to get it but i also use the godlen band?i forget the name u get it from a deadra shrine .....really fun quest for that get to fight one of every race and keep the spoiles....*hint* lvl 20's with no good armor this is an awsome way to get some for free. just remembered something..for the two wepons i mentioned up there the oblivion site on here offers a list of shrines,locations,rewards.try it if like.
be warned...the shadows will pull you into the darkness.
Goldbrand its the best weapon its does what 22 magic damage? Everyone goes on about the one for the quest the chick drops but it does no magic damage it has soul trap and only 2 more regular damage then goldbrand. Idk what there thinking usen it. Turn it in goofballs
I would have to say that Umbra is massivley effective if you tend to follow the mages guild. It is also satisfying to be able to capture souls Although it might be VERY hard to obtain if you are a lower level.
Men are but flesh and blood. They know their doom, but not the hour.
I like to use the Dawnfang/ Duskfang.
You get this by doing some quest in Shivering Isles, it totally pwns.
The dawnfang does fire damange, and the duskfang does frost damage.
It changes from dawnfang, to duskfang around 6pm, and then back to dawnfang at 6am.
i agree with Fljotsdale about what types of magic to use and what kind of staffs but you cant just use staffs you don't get ep that way. for weapons i use a deadric sword that does 20 fire damage and thronblade equal damage but destroys your oppnets amor, spirt and looks good doing it
The only way to a mans heart is with a chiansaw :mischief: