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Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 7:10 am
by Bendak Starkill
What i dont like

ok im not gona say much. coz KOTOR is a great game and i dont wana pay out the faults in it 2 much coz every game has faults

just one thing which is most important.
take time making it, onderon on KOTOR 2 was so small, only two areas and the cantina you could go to, with only 1 or 2 side missions. What happened to kotor 1 on taris where u could do bounties, fight in arenas, meet new people, joing gangs and explore many many places. that is what needs to be brought into KOTOR 3 4 all places u can go

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:30 pm
by Darth Valthri
Bendak Starkill wrote:ok im not gona say much. coz KOTOR is a great game and i dont wana pay out the faults in it 2 much coz every game has faults

just one thing which is most important.
take time making it, onderon on KOTOR 2 was so small, only two areas and the cantina you could go to, with only 1 or 2 side missions. What happened to kotor 1 on taris where u could do bounties, fight in arenas, meet new people, joing gangs and explore many many places. that is what needs to be brought into KOTOR 3 4 all places u can go
i have to agree with you there. apart from lack of being a Jedi, Taris was one of my most favourite places in K1 (rivalled closely by Korriban and Tatooine). more side quests and travel locations are a must

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 3:24 am
by Lord_soze
Hmm well in KotOR III i don't want a planet like peragus when you start games it make games bad

i think Eborn hawk can do someting cool like upgrade ship or change room or do someting for ship

i don't want to see games too short and KotOR in Xbox version have few bug than Pc version

i want to see someting new like in some of epic quest have a great battle and siege weapon you can use it :p and i don't want to see Bastila shan dead =p

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 10:15 am
by XRichX
Things i don't want to see in KOTOR III;

- Bad romance stories, it feels like its in the background as just an add-on, why not have a full romance story between the main character and a male/female playable character? Instead of cheesy dialogue, going away to fight the sith and leaving the loved one without spending time with them, etc.

- The Battle system, needs to be altered IMO. I don't like the turn-based of it all but that is just my preference. It would make it a tad more realistic in real-time.

- The ship, needs to be changed. Buy your own from a star port? Get upgrades for it? Go and attack sith ships if you got bored? Have more open gameplay to make it a true RPG.

- Choice! This was easily one of the highlights of KOTOR I, but in the second one, when say Visas had nothing else to say to me... (i tried to get some romance going ;) ) she just kept saying the same ol' dialogue, and i could ask the same questions that i asked 500 times before. We need more dialogue choice and triggers to get more stories going, or simply have them say to us 'we will talk later'.

- Planets? I didn't know there was only 6-7 planets in the galaxy? Where are all the others?

- Battles? Im sorry but what the **** were the 'big' battles about? Star Forge in KOTOR I, we saw TWO (thats right, TWO!!!) sith cruisers getting attacked in the end movies, along with not so many Republic Capital ships. I thought the Star Forge spat out so many ships etc., where have they gone? Tesco for some groceries? I don't think so.

In KOTOR II, did a battle actually exist? I didn't see one.

- Lazyness, main things covered by this are:
1. Doors, when they are barred or are not working, why have them say 'Locked'? When they clearly aren't.
2. NPC Dialogue, the citizens or aliens all say the same dialogue, why can't we interact with them as we would important NPC's? It makes the world seem dead.
3. Worlds & Levels on ships. The leviathen for example, wasn't that a big ship? The level on KOTOR when you are on it fighting Malak, it seems so small! You can get to the bridge from the detention area in less than 10 minutes :S .
4. Why have the same god-for-saken turret spirits for every type of turret!? Heavy blaster turret is the same as normal blaster turret. Fire extinguisher is the same as a blaster turret, its like wtf?
5. Weather? Time? Day/night? Why is it ALWAYS sunny and at the exact same moment of the day when you visit planets? Do you sit in space and wait until its the same weather and time as it was when you last visited? I highly doubt it.

- The first level on KOTOR II, how on earth did Sion control that republic capital ship when you left the mining facility? You cleared the ship out of dark assassins, he was the only one on the bridge when it docked too. If sith can control vessels like that then why not hand out Sith battle ships to the Dark Jedi to control single handedly?

- Confusing Stories? What on earth was all that palarder about the Jedi Masters & the exile on Dantooine? They were like 'oh yes Exile thankyou', then when you got them all together they pretty much turned on you (again).

Thats all i can think of right now.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 1:11 pm
by Smiley:)
ME NO WANT (part 1)

There ane many things that I don't want in KOTOR III. This will be made up of several posts because I don't have time. Here are some things:

- Bad Ships - Ships should be more decorated, have optional add-ons and some more rooms (mostly a kitchen and a BATHROOM)

- Bad Stories - Stories should be better thought out. And what's the point of having these stories when they make absolutely no difference to the overall game until near the very end?

- Unreal things -
1) World events should happen at random, not to be triggerd by some action.

To be continued...

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 3:47 pm
by bigredpanda
Smiley :) wrote:
- Bad Stories - Stories should be better thought out. And what's the point of having these stories when they make absolutely no difference to the overall game until near the very end?

- Unreal things -
1) World events should happen at random, not to be triggerd by some action.
To be honest, I suspect the K2 stories were a little bit too much thought out, hence why rushing the game left some of it confused. And I'd imagine that the stories make no difference until the end because in both games you have a choice what order you do the planets in.

Anything that compromises the choices we've had in the past two games would be a big no-no for me.

World events happing at random would be good, but only for the not-so-important events.

And I completely agree with the missing when you attack a footlocker. It's obviously coded in the combat system, but I wonder if there's a way of tweaking it so you always hit it? Not sure on that one...

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 3:53 am
by Smiley:)
ME NO WANT (part 1+1)

Thank you for replying bigredpanda. Now then to continue:

- No Time - Why is it that when you land on a planet it is always day or always night? They should change that so that there should be a day time and a night time (there could be a morning and an evening too).

- Too Much Power - In KOTOR I it was okay. There were difficult areas to pass. But in KOTOR II I was so powerfull that the game was boring. Especially when I discoverd how to gain unlimited credits, unlimited components and unlimited XP (experience points) :D

To be continued...

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 5:04 am
by Smiley:)
ME NO WANT (part 24/8)

If you haven't seen the first two parts this is about what I don't want. Continuing from where I left of:

- No Weather Changes - Why is it that when you always land on the same planet the weather is always the same? :confused: The weather should change once in a while. :cool:

- No Talking - The main character should be able o speak. He's not mute. In KOTOR I he/she could speak a little when doing some actions. But in KOTOR II not even a sound. Hey, you could also choose what voice you want for the character if he/she ever talks. :eek:

To be continued...

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 12:54 pm
by bigredpanda
I agree with the time and weather changes. But I've said on here before that a voice for the main character would (mainly going on past LA titles) be awful. Many an RPG has had its immerison ruined by rubbish voices for the main character, imo. There can only be so much choice - the developer would have to emply a different voice actor for each option, so think practicality here. Like I said above, anything that limits the choice when designing your character would be bad.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 2:07 pm
by Smiley:)
ME NO WANT (part 2*2)

Out of all the things that I said I don't want this the most:

- Stuck to the Ground - Why are you stopped when you encounter a 15cm obstacle, or a small pile of junk? And why can't you jump without Force Jump? And if you do the Force Jump you can't yump over a small obstacle. That's just stupid.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 5:18 pm
by Shadow Leader
I things do not see in KOTOR III.

A non speaking main character.
Crappy gun that be aimed or scoped (no usage of the scope to assist in aiming)
The Characters on the Ebon Hawk just should not just stand in the same spot, the whole time during a planetary transit, they should be moving around the ship doing something: working a swoop bike, working out, eating. Never have them doing the same thing with in five minutes of leaving unless they need to.
Unable to explore the ship while in hyperspace.

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 1:18 am
by Darth Shishio
I absolutely agree that I don't want to see a non-speaking character. It is kind of boring. I've played Mass Effect by bioware and the way the main character's voice and choices are synchronised is great. What you choose to say doesn't necessarily mean the character has to say the same thing, just that the same meaning is brought out (coz I remember when Revan's true identity was brought up. To say the truth, he didn't look shocked because he couldn't speak) Emotion is most of the time truly represented by someone's voice.
I just hope that we don't have a a hero who can't speak, it's lame.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:42 pm
by JfaldI
more side quest possible monstrous capability's (alternate planets, moons) when active in certain quests.

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:20 am
by Altmer1989
What I dont want?
Shadow Leader wrote:A non speaking main character.
Crappy gun that be aimed or scoped (no usage of the scope to assist in aiming)
The Characters on the Ebon Hawk just should not just stand in the same spot, the whole time during a planetary transit, they should be moving around the ship doing something: working a swoop bike, working out, eating. Never have them doing the same thing with in five minutes of leaving unless they need to.
Unable to explore the ship while in hyperspace.
Yeah that is so annoying not having a speaking M.C.:devil:Also the Ebon Hawk.

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:26 pm
by Lex.mkr
As I've read in another forum, I don't want to have to act like a simple street thug in order to be a big bad Sith. I mean, I can't see Darth Vader walking into someone and saying, "Give me all your 25 credits or I'll shoot you dead", or Darth Tyranus razing a Rodian's store so his Duros "friend" gets rid of competition.

I'm not saying that in KotOR III I expect to be able to start a war against myself in order to weaken the Galaxy (a là Darth Sidious and the Clone Wars), but I hope you get the picture.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 10:54 am
by bigredpanda
Lex.mkr wrote:As I've read in another forum, I don't want to have to act like a simple street thug in order to be a big bad Sith. I mean, I can't see Darth Vader walking into someone and saying, "Give me all your 25 credits or I'll shoot you dead", or Darth Tyranus razing a Rodian's store so his Duros "friend" gets rid of competition.

I'm not saying that in KotOR III I expect to be able to start a war against myself in order to weaken the Galaxy (a là Darth Sidious and the Clone Wars), but I hope you get the picture.
Yes, and likewise with light side options: often the LS choices available in conversation are hardly what you'd expect to hear Obiwan coming out with.

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 3:27 pm
by Revans mask
I personnaly think my self. Darth Revan should speak, it would be a wole lot cooler for Darth to have a powerfull voice.

Dark Side

Dath Revan: "You have followed me this far. You have made an unwise choice. Exile".

Exile: Your threats will not do any good, I dont want to fight you.

Darth Revan: I have seen power, you will die like my once friend Malak. {Sabber turns on}

Exile: Have it your way, but your girl friend Bastila mist you {Sabber turns on}

Darth Revan: She doesnt concern me, I left her and the crew over 12 years ago

Exile: You left an whole galaxie wondering about you. I will drag you back into republic space, even if I have to drag you by the feet.

Darth Revan: "Try me Exile, come"

........Darth Revan and Exile clash....... End of battle

Darth Revan: You are strong, but I will not be dragged by the likes of you. {Force Storm hits Exile}

Exile: Dammit you Revan. {Force push hits Darth Revan}

Kotor 3
Going to collage to be a game designer. I might write video game scripts..

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 6:54 pm
by Caden
I don't want to have to pick certain dialog options either. They practically force your dialog options to make you pick the one that will give you dark side points.

I think it would be cool and make sense if you got dark side points for doing things like casting drain life. That would make the game more interesting and give you more dialog options in conversation.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 1:36 am
by Smiley:)
Yeah! And you could also get light side points for casting Heal on someone who is injured.:angel:

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 10:33 am
by bigredpanda
Come on, let's be serious about the main character having a voice. Think of how much disk space would be taken up with an individual speaking every single dialogue line available (especially as we want more choices!). Then double that cos you have toi have male and female. Then double that because I'd presume a DS voice should sound different to LS... The voice acting in Oblivion took up tons of disk space and added very little to the game immersion.

Happy to be corrected on this, but I don't think it's worth it - besides my other objections.