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Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 9:11 am
by Kameleon
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 12:27 pm
by Aegis
When will a monkey appear!
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 1:29 pm
by Kayless
Originally posted by Rob-hin Hey Kayless
In Icewind Dale, there was a (women) character named Kaylesse.
Did you get your name from her?
Nope. I was "Kayless" long before Icewind Dale (in fact, I used to post on the old BIS message boards, so a part of me wonders if maybe "Kaylessa" was warped cameo for me). Originally posted by Tybaltus I believe "Kay" means happiness in japanese, and "less" means lack of or deprived of, so Kayless' name comes from "deprived of happiness/joy"...heh, how phoney is that, aye?
I believe thats what he got the name from....
Actually the Kay is Latin/Celtic not Japanese. He was a character in short story I wrote a while back. I liked the name, so it stuck. Originally posted by Kameleon It's quite blatantly a bastardised version of "Kahless", the name of the first and greatest Klingon emperor who (n)ever lived...
I don't deny that "Kahless" was in the back of mind when I came up with "Kayless." Originally posted by Aegis When will a monkey appear!
Well, what if someone just mentioned a monkey instead?
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 2:05 pm
by Kameleon
Originally posted by Kayless Well, what if someone just mentioned a monkey instead?
Castor: "Hey Bea, how's about you and me sneak behind MONKEY those bushes and have a good time?"
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 2:26 pm
by garazdawi
Originally posted by Kameleon Castor: "Hey Bea, how's about you and me sneak behind MONKEY those bushes and have a good time?"
BEA:"swap, poff, smack"
Castor:"[highpitchvoice] augh [/highpitchvoice]" *thumb*
Khaggoth:"I think Castor's tummy is hurtin'"
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 3:43 pm
by Jaesha
Hey Kayless! I bet you wouldn't dare to post the next three issues on Thursday! *prods K-dude with a poking-stick*
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 10:38 pm
by Kayless
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 5:10 am
by Kayless
Originally posted by Maharlika @Kay: Maybe Georgi can do a cameo and lend Bea the Groin Grabbers(tm)
That would be consistent with my portrayal of SYMians thus far.
The latest ep is up and running too.
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 5:13 am
by Stilgar
Originally posted by Kayless That would be consistent with my portrayal of SYMians thus far.
The latest ep is up and running too.
When I saw that you poswted I expected something like: "todays episode is running late (again)"
But now, it was right there,
very good new episode (like the monkey part)
and especially Arudin in pic3!
Keep up the good work
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 5:27 am
by Kayless
Originally posted by Stilgar
When I saw that you poswted I expected something like: "todays episode is running late (again)"
But now, it was right there,
very good new episode (like the monkey part)
and especially Arudin in pic3!
Keep up the good work
Hey, even I have to get an issue out on time occasionally. Hopefully Aegis will be appeased with the monkey reference (rather than an actual monkey appearance). I'm sure all the Arudin fans out there are appreciating his time in the spotlight.
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 5:45 am
by Stilgar
Originally posted by Kayless Hopefully Aegis will be appeased with the monkey reference (rather than an actual monkey appearance).
I don't think so, I think he's still pissed that his head got seperated from the rest of his body (what is a cooler cameo then someone saying you don't have a cool name, or that you smell, or even being the head of the DCI-fanclub)
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 6:10 am
by Kayless
Originally posted by Stilgar
I don't think so, I think he's still pissed that his head got seperated from the rest of his body (what is a cooler cameo then someone saying you don't have a cool name, or that you smell, or even being the head of the DCI-fanclub)
Yeah, he had one of the better cameos in DCI. He should be happy to be a headless gnoll.
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 6:16 am
by Stilgar
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 6:24 am
by Kayless
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 6:36 am
by Stilgar
Originally posted by Kayless Isn't the 1,000,000 epsiode instead of the 10,000th that will have the Rob-Hin dragon?
No Idea, did this one from head.
Also silver dragon scales make great armour, now all whe need is a silver dragon
Originally posted by Kayless
That reminds me, I need to give the Crawlers a magical weapon or two! (all the magical gear Arudin has looted so far has been class or alignment specific, and thus unusable)
I knew you could take a hint, but I wouldn't let Arudin loot, if he finds a battleaxe +5 he would multi-class to a fighter before he would give it to Durnkrag or Khaggoth.
[EDIT] Here it is
Originally posted by Kayless Okay I promise that you'll get to be a kick ass silver dragon for DCI's one millionth issue. You have my word.
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 10:27 am
by garazdawi
*SWAP* "A gnoll, let's kill it!! Hey wait a sec it's protected by absolute immunity", "quite you fool you'll ditrupt my illusion"
great ep
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 11:55 am
by Rob-hin
Originally posted by Kayless
Isn't the 1,000,000 epsiode instead of the 10,000th that will have the Rob-Hin dragon?
No no no, it was episode 100!
Just don't try making an armor of my hide or I'll unleash my bdagons breath on ya'll.
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 12:04 pm
by Tybaltus
I liked the expressions in the episode yet again.
Youre taking full advantage of the positives of drawing compared to sprites. Well done.
[annoying critic mode]Hrm...*looking for a negative on the issue* I would have been more pleased had the gnoll been a living summon as opposed to an illusion. [/critic mode]
*looks around at all DCI fans giving me a stern look*
What? What?
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 12:07 pm
by Rob-hin
Originally posted by Tybaltus
*looks around at all DCI fans giving me a stern look*
*Gets out the ducktape*