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Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 10:20 am
by galraen
Wiz 8 is different in a lot of ways, mainly due to the different (other than being a more modern engine) in as much as the class changing, which was a core feature in W6 & 7 is far less useful.

Obviously that's not going to bother people who didn't bother exploring the class changing potential in 6 & 7. Why I don't know, the feature was there to be used, puzzles me why people avoid playing a game the way it was designed to be played, at least on the first run through. Still each to her/his own.

I assume the difference between 6/7 and 8 is the absence of Bradley, the reasoning being the class changing system was very much present in Wizards and Warriors. It seems like the changing was only kept in the game to retain some connection to 6 & 7.

The game is far more enjoyable than 7 IMO though, that game became far too much of a chore with the ridiculous number of idiotic puzzles dominating the game. Seven was far more a puzzle fest than an RPG.

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 12:36 pm
by Demiath
I loved Wizardry 8 but I think Wizardry 7 is still the best in the trilogy. That said, I completely agree with you on the puzzles. More specifically, there are just not enough few clues and the clues that do exist are hopelessly obscure, so you're more likely to be successful by resorting to tiresome, mindless trial-and-error than by actually trying to use your brain in solving them. The only mitigating factor I can thjnk of is that Wizardry 7 is by no means the only old school RPG with this particular design problem...

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:35 am
by galraen
Very true the last part Demiath, VI is my favourite, but that's probably a nostalgia thing. I really like eight too, and VII was enjoyable the first time I played it. This time I guess I was the problem, because I know my way through the game the puzzles were coming thick and fast, which obviously wasn't the case initially. The worst one probably was the Bean puzzle, mainly because it wasn't (IMO) a true puzzle, but a cheating [expletive deleted] puzzle!

PS My solo character also went via VII, didn't complete the game (couldn't face the puzzles again so soon), and took her (Female Rawulf, Ninja on transfer to 8) to eight, and Oh my isn't that a whole new ball game for a solo charcter! Mega tough, quite entertaining though, apart from blowing herself up with Rocket Stix!

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 12:56 pm
by coyo7e
This is a bit late but I came across this thread while googling for walkthroughs and stuff to assist in my 6-7-8 playthrough, and I found a program called "Cosmic Forge" which allows you to edit the stat roller, so you can make an exceptional character in a minute or two instead of hours.. Wanted to do that all-fairy-ninja runthrough? No problem!

*Cosmic Forge* Editor for Wizardry 6, Wizardry 7 and Wizardry 8

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 4:50 pm
by Gilliatt
Thanks for sharing! :)

It's not late at all in my case since I have not played Wizardry 7 and 8 yet.

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 3:59 pm
by coyo7e
Awesome, glad you can use it! With the modified chances I have gotten bonuses as high as 25, although it's a bit overkill in 6 since it's pretty easy as long as you're diligent to get to level 2 before you start opening doors and stuff.

...last night I finally figured out a joke that I've been hung up on since I first played this game nearly two decades ago - Snoopcheri is a french, girl version of Snoopy! :eek: I still have no idea why her master is named "The Mountain" though.

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:22 am
by Lena
Did anybody start with T’rangs in Wizardry 7 (imported party)? Is it really bad? Can I befriend with everybody if I start with T’rangs?