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What Don't You Want in KotOR III?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to LucasArts and BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG.
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Post by Darth Yanza »

I dont want the game too be short...and i dont want G0T0 i hate him I HATE HIM WHY THAT LIL........ ahem...and i dont want too see T3M4 and i dont want that you look like a zombi when you are in the dark side
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Post by Hill-Shatar »

I dont want to have to take charcters that they ask for, I want charcters that you can pick up through the games. 2 different people of the game, except for some minor things, and what would you do?

If there were 200 possible party members and you could pick up, I dont know 12, that would be much better than having 9 charcteers and having 3 you use once in a while.
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Post by TonyMontana1638 »

I'd like it to be a little more open-ended maybe so the game lasts longer... i never feel a sense of accomplishment after finishing an rpg (even against a tough end boss) but rather sadness that the story is over. A story that falls somewhere in between 1 and 2 would be nice: something not so, for lack of a better word, linear as 1 (i think we all saw the plot twist of Revan coming a mile away) but not so convoluted as 2 (did Darth Nihilus even need to be in the game?).
More lightsaber crystals and such, to make weapon customization more fun and interesting would be nice. Like an earlier post said not as many worthless powers, and an even more interactive dialog system with your followers: that is to say improve upon what 2 did. All in all it's the story and the level of immersion for me, I could care less if they updated the graphics or something similar.
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Post by yoyopogo104 »

i agree, tony. u never do feel "accomplished" after the games, do you? but, hey, its star wars. there's always more to conquer in the galaxy... :)

i liked the character interaction in kotor II, and i also agree they should improve upon that. i wish they had more random things to talk w/ them about like, i dont know..."what do u think about men?" :D more background stories would be nice, and better romance stuff. *coughs* atton... ;) ha, so much for being a "true" jedi, hehehe...

and more intense combat! i wanna full-fleged battle w/ a droid army and giant hovering machines n stuff! (i already said this somewhere else, but im sayin it again)

man, this is soooo turning into "what DO u want" thread. :eek: im sry, ill shut up now...


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Post by TonyMontana1638 »

I agree, maybe some glimpses of these massive space battles we've heard so much about would be nice. I know it'd be too much to ask to have a little mini-game where you control them one of the sides of a battle (though I can think of a few games that have managed to pull it off...), so much of the KOTOR backstory concerns these massive battles in space and on land and for once I'd like to feel as if I had the power to affect these battles instead of mopping-up after them. There was the space battle outside of the Star Forge in the first one, but that was really only shown in the end-game cutscene. I know this is all too much to ask, but I can dream can't I? :D
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Post by darth ginger »

what do you want in kotor3?

i think revan and the excile join forces and find a new gallexey where there is lots of force sensitives they train them normaly but revan goes back to his old ways and you the child have to chose between the light side (excile) or the dark side (revan)witch ever you pick u train in the ways of the sith or the jedi thats my starting please add to it
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Post by Chanak »

@darth ginger: Welcome to the GameBanshee forums. :)

As a new member, please take some time out to familiarize yourself with the [url=""]Forum Rules[/url]. When you post in a thread, be sure that it is appropriate and relevant to the thread creator's topic. In the case of this thread, it's concerning things you wouldn't want in a possible Knights of the Old Republic III. Your post here concerns things you would like to see. Such a post belongs in [url=""]this thread, here[/url].

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Post by Mandalorianx »

hmmm i dont wanna start as a non jedi.....i dont wanna be trapt on a planet ass a begining of the game...
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Post by Vega »

Number one thing i dont want is Mandalore/Canderous. He's been in both 1 and 2 and in both of those he didnt have much role to play other than giving you war lessons and hooking you up with the right people.

also would be nice to get rid of the ebon hawk and choose your own ship, but thats getting a little off topic

i also dont want too many more environments like malachor/korriban/peragus, i dont like dead planets, theres a lot of life in the galaxy, lets get on some planets that have it

EDIT: the ithorians are big fish people?
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Post by Smokey »

I dont want it to fall short of my expectations simply because its dug itself in a hole.

By this I mean, we've had both games surround around the story of Revan(even the 2nd one) and it hasnt yet been finished. They also had a story about the exile, who is said to be set to go help revan. Yes I'm aware KOTOR 2 was about the exile, but there was a lot about revan as well and it gave us more questions than answers. Now if they make a kotor 3 game that has nothing to do with the revan/exile/true sith storyline, I think that would be silly and equivalent to only telling 2 parts of a story, like simply erasing ROTJ from the trilogies.

The other side of the fence is if they do make a game surrounding revan/exile, how can it be done? I would think you couldnt play the game as either character, simply because they were both incredibly strong at the end of their games, and Revans had atleast 5 years to grow stronger. Exile at the end of kotor 2 could clear out a room full of 5 dark jedi and 15 soldiers with a few force storms. So how would the game be difficult unless they gave them a massive depowering?

Of course they could create a new character, but there really shouldnt be any left, atleast any powerful enough to hang with revan and exile, and it would be poor writing to just bust out another "unknown jedi of untold potential" to magically throw into the mix. I suppose they could have you control a weaker jedi and then eventually assume control of Revan or Exile. This is what worries me, I want a good game, but I also need some closure on the whole revan/true sith storyline, especially due to the lackluster ending of KOTOR 2.
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Post by DesR85 »

Vega wrote: EDIT: the ithorians are big fish people?
Nope. Those are the aliens from Manaan (don't quite know their species). :)

Anyway, what I don't want in KOTOR 3 is like what most people said previously is a story that doesn't countinue from the events of KOTOR 2 (since the ending just hangs there). I also want closure on the stories of both Revan and the Exile as what many have said previously.
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Post by FighterTundra »

DesR85 wrote:Nope. Those are the aliens from Manaan (don't quite know their species). :)
They are called 'Selkath'.
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Post by DesR85 »

FighterTundra wrote:They are called 'Selkath'.
Thanks. :) Kind of forgot what's the name of their species since I didn't play KOTOR for a very long time.
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Post by superbob263 »

Lorya wrote:I don't want to see Ebon Hawk again. I mean it was a good ship but it would be nice to know that there are other ships in the galaxy we can travel on. ....
I want to be able to pick between one or two ships sometime in the game, like maybe being able to chose between a two or three ships and have something like a basalick war droid or something to get into hard to reach areas. I mean wasint it a litte to convent that there was a clearing on dxun that you just happen to land in or the fact that on koraban there could have been any number of things waiting to destroy your ship it would have been much more othentic if you were to take a lannding shuttel or some smaller ship down insted.
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Post by DesR85 »

I agree with you here, superbob. There are quite a number of tight corners no spaceship the size of either the Ebon Hawk or the Millenium Falcon can even land on at all. Having a small short-distance ships in one of these larger ships would be a very good idea indeed aside from the pod racer in the Ebon Hawk. :)

And about the Ebon Hawk, it has been in service for 4 or 5 years so maybe it would be better if it was either heavily modified to look better with better armaments and equipment or just replace the Ebon Hawk with a new ship. It would be a nice welcome change.
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Post by vitocapo »

What i really dont want for KOTOR 3 is a mean Kreia, who always tries to teach you like you were a little baby. I dont want to be the aprentice. KOTOR was the best game i ever play. But KOTOR 2,ahajj. What a ****!! And what i really dont want is dont be able to betray everyone and kill them
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Post by DesR85 »

vitocapo wrote:What i really dont want for KOTOR 3 is a mean Kreia, who always tries to teach you like you were a little baby. I dont want to be the aprentice.
I don't mind a mentor type character but yeah, not someone like Kreia, even though she's a very well developed character. Don't really like her attitude sometimes.
vitocapo wrote:And what i really dont want is dont be able to betray everyone and kill them
I don't like idea of betraying anybody. It just doesn't feel right to me, even though its just a game. I'd much prefer if those who disagree with you will just voluntarily leave the party rather than you going out and kill them.

P.S. Welcome to the forums, vitocapo. :)
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
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Post by FredrikNo1 »

no more ebon hawk, it was ripped from the millenium falcon from the beginning, give us something cool and new instead, it has served its time and more.

Not being able to train everyone to jedi, not everyone can become jedi u know...

I agree with the post with no more mentors,we have seen that now.

Make the gap between jedi and non jedi bigger.
Make jedi/sith enemies more powerful and in smaller numbers.

Oh and no more beeping droid in the party, like T2.
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Post by bigredpanda »

vitocapo wrote:What i really dont want for KOTOR 3 is a mean Kreia, who always tries to teach you like you were a little baby. I dont want to be the aprentice. KOTOR was the best game i ever play. But KOTOR 2,ahajj. What a ****!! And what i really dont want is dont be able to betray everyone and kill them

Do you mean you don't want that you have to kill people? Double negatives confuse me...

If you do, I disagree completely. It would be a rather tame dark side if you just said "hey you, get lost or I'll get really angry!"

Not being the apprentice might be slightly difficult to factor in when you consider character development...

That said, I don't want such a harsh distinction between light and dark. Being given the choice of "OK, I'll give you all my money and belongings!" vs "I'm going to kill you, your family, your friends, and everyone else I see" could get quite stifling after a while.
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Post by FredrikNo1 »

about levels and not being an apprentice, the could just make a story that gives u no master but u master the force on ur own or it could, like some of the most succesful games bg2 and nwn exp, start with lvl 5,10,20 or whatever.

if they want to do it, they can.
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